If you’re anything like me, you’ve had enough of D.C. You’ve heard enough promises from those who court your vote, only for them to turn around when elected, or in most cases re-elected, and stab you in the back. John McCain is the current poster boy for lying his way back into office on repealing ObamaCare…
John McCain re-election ad (Photo Credit: TownHall.com
…then doing the opposite with his pal, Lisa Murkowski, when handed the opportunity to keep his promise, or at the very least, move the ball forward:
Sen. McCain powwows with Democrats after voting “no” on the so-called “Skinny Repeal” last week. (Photo Credit: USNewsHouse)
When the Democrat-controlled Congress shoved the monstrosity known as ObamaCare down our throats seven years ago, despite most of America screaming in opposition, they did so only after giving themselves carve-outs that you and I didn’t get, including their staffers receiving taxpayer-funded subsidies for their healthcare plans of upwards of 72 percent of their premium costs. Talk about your sweetheart deal. Is it any wonder they now refuse to repeal the law that’s harmed so many of us, myself included? I think we all know they’re benefiting from the law in more ways than one.
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