May 4, 2013
Obama blames America again and Weekend Links!
Barack Obama’s dislike for America seems to escalate every time he’s on foreign soil. It’s remarkable actually. Yesterday, while speaking to Mexican University students, he basically said that the United States is to blame for Mexico’s drug violence terrorizing that country because of our own thirst for illegal drugs and guns. However, the Imperial President failed to mention the illegal gun smuggling undertaken by his own administration under the Department of Justice’s “Operation Fast and Furious”.
From Breitbart:
“Drug-fueled violence in Mexico is not entirely the fault of the Mexican people, he said. Instead, the United States shares the blame because much of the violence is centered around the Americans’ demand for illegal drugs and the fact that guns are smuggled into Mexico from the United States.
“We recognize that most of the guns used to commit violence here in Mexico come from the United States…we’ll keep increasing the pressure on the gun traffickers who bring illegal guns into Mexico, and we’ll keep putting these criminals where they belong–behind bars.”
See what he did there?
Obama, in his rabid attempt for gun control, forgets evidence proves the majority of guns used in Mexico drug cartel violence do not come from America. Only 17% have been traced back. If Obama wants to stop gun smuggling to Mexico, he needs to quit blaming me and you and look at his own corrupt administration. But don’t hold your breath on that.
Great Weekend Blog Reading Links!
Teach at Pirate’s Cove is blogging about “Inhofe: Could Someone Send Some Global Warming To Oklahoma, Please?” It’s a great post. Go check it out.
Stacy over at The Other McCain has up a bunch of great blog posts including this one: “What Part of ‘Fuck You, Commie Scum’ Is So Hard for @BurkelyH to Understand?” Um…go read it. 🙂
Phineas at Sister Toldjah has up a post on “#Benghazi whistle-blower names revealed.”
Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has up a terrific post today on “Saturday Night Card Game (For Chris Matthews, the race card keeps on paying, and paying, and …)”
Have you been to Acting School with Nick Searcy? You need to go now! Don’t forget to “Subscribe” because it’s awesome. 🙂
Emily at NakedDC has a blog post up on “Hillary Clinton will go all Twilight for 2016.” Just. Yikes.
Yorkshire at The First Street Journal has up a really good post called “More OBAMA Hate America Bashing In Mexico.” Go check it out.
B5 over at Blackfive has a book review by Elise Cooper entitled “Book Review: Standing By: The Making of an American Military Family in a Time of War.” It sounds terrific.
This Ain’t Hell has a bunch of great posts up today but I like this one by Jonn called “Kokesh to march on DC again.” That asshat is back… sort of.
As always, Michelle Obama’s Mirror has up a terrific blog post called “Let’s put an end to letting this garbage cross the Mexican border.” Awesome.
Instapundit has a lot of good blog reading up at his blog hub including this video on “Michael Barone: Obama and the Democrats Could Not Beat the NRA.”
American Power also has up a great blog post on “Harvard’s Niall Ferguson Slams Famed Economist John Maynard Keynes: ‘A Homosexual Married to a Ballerina'”. Um…. ok.
Dan Riehl has a blog post up at Riehl World View on “SC Dem Chair Dick Harpootlian: Send Nikki Haley “Back where she came from”??” Racism, anyone?
Three Sure Things of Life blog has up a terrific post called “Another in the List of Thousands of Reasons Why the Only Response to Calls for more “Gun Control Laws” is “NO.”” Go check them out!
Ed Morrissey has a blog post up at Hot Air on “Obama to Mexico: A lot of the guns here came from us.” Why does he hate us?
and finally, Ace at AoSHQ has up a blog post “Timeline: Emails Reveal State Department Flack Has Fingers All Over Talking Points Deception, Stating That Her “Superiors” Were Unhappy With Implication They’d Ignored Warnings.” They lied. But then, we knew that.
Have a great weekend!

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