Obama: This Gulf oil spill is just like 9/11

Barack Obama told Politico yesterday that this oil spill in the Gulf… why, it’s like the next 9/11 or something! Because, you know, an oil spill is just like the murders of 3,000 innocent Americans by bloodthirsty terrorists.

Obama — facing mounting criticism of his handling of the BP gusher, even from longtime allies — vowed to make a “bold” push for a new energy law even as the calamity continues to unfold. And he said he will use the rest of his presidency to try to put the United States on a course toward a “new way of doing business when it comes to energy.”

“In the same way that our view of our vulnerabilities and our foreign policy was shaped profoundly by 9/11,” the president said in an Oval Office interview on Friday, “I think this disaster is going to shape how we think about the environment and energy for many years to come.”

This, of course, was followed by some more finger-pointing (we didn’t start this mess!). Obama’s leadership style stays constant as always: refusal to take any responsibility for his own actions, and using inflammatory rhetoric without actually taking any action to back it up.

And, by the way, how exactly did Obama treat 9/11? As William Teach at Pirate’s Cove points out, he was hardly respectful.

If you remember, Obama’s view of 9/11 was to wonder what made them attack the US, and to be more concerned with civilian deaths in any coming war than the deaths on that day. He hired a Truther and had a religious leader who said his famous “chickens coming home to roost” sermon shortly after. And he is attempting to turn September 11 into a National Day of Service, at least by the swipe of a pen.

Clearly, Obama has forgotten what the aftermath of 9/11 was like. I still remember. I remember the anger, the grief, the anguish. I cried for days as I watched the heart-wrenching footage of people throwing themselves out of the towers, weeped as I listened to the agonizing phone calls of people aboard the doomed flights as they said their last good byes. But there was another feeling that grew up around the country — a feeling of pride, of solidarity. American flags flew. People sang the National Anthem. And, for a short while, we all stood together as one, united in our heartbreak and anger, united in our resolve to find justice for the murders of 3,000 of our fellow Americans.

If Obama thinks that this oil spill is even the slightest bit similar to the aftermath of 9/11, then he is either truly deluded or 9/11 did not affect him the way it affected the rest of us. Considering he spent years under the wing of Jeremiah “God D*** America” Wright, I’d imagine it’s the latter.

And if this is just as bad as 9/11, then why is it that Obama has been spending more time on the golf course than he has in the Gulf? After his Politico interview Sunday, exactly what did Obama do? He played golf. Again. For four hours.

Ah, our brave leader. He’s never afraid to kick some ass on the golf course, to fearlessly conquer all 18 holes, all while ignoring his actual job responsibilities. Leadership, guys. Real leadership. Gotta love it.

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