#GOPDebate: Chris Christie And Rand Paul Spar Over NSA Surveillance Program

#GOPDebate: Chris Christie And Rand Paul Spar Over NSA Surveillance Program

It was quite the circus last night on Fox News. Two debates involving 17 GOP candidates. There were quite a few highlights, but let’s discuss the Governor Christie/Senator Rand Paul sparring match. FoxNews Megyn Kelly asked:

Do you really believe you can assign blame to Senator Paul just for opposing the people’s bulk collection of phone records in the event of a terrorist attack?” Kelly asked.

Governor Christie had his response ready, and that’s when the fight started.

Rand Paul’s hair lit on fire!  ‘more records from terrorists but less records from Americans.’ Ok great. You know what? Yes, there are serious Constitutional ramifications to collecting data from Americans. However, given the major issues of national security we face shouldn’t we be cautious about letting the gates stay open and never do anything to protect ourselves and our land?

Here’s the thing. If we don’t have a surveillance program then we are truly hamstrung. You know why? Lets look at the pain and horror inflicted upon a church, parishioners, pastor, their families and community in Charleston.

Pastor and S.C. State Senator Clementa Pinckney
Pastor and S.C. State Senator Clementa Pinckney

Lets talk about Chattanooga. Five servicemen were killed by Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez. Their lives were snuffed out and yet the authorities refuse to call him what he was, a terrorist. 

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Ava Gardner