By now, most of us have heard Mr. Obama insist that no corruption exists in the IRS targeting of conservatives leading into the 2012 elections. You can watch him bob and weave here, insisting to Bill O’Reilly pre-Super Bowl that not even a “smidgeon” of wrongdoing was done over there at the Honest-as-Abe IRS. Never mind that Lois Lerner plead the Fifth before a congressional investigative committee, or that she shortly thereafter resigned her post and is now living off her comfy taxpayer-funded pension. Nothing to see here, move along. Those other five who feel intentionally targeted are just misunderstood, right Mr. O? But, in the long tradition of American rebellion, a decades-old company who claims it, too, was targeted by the Obama administration, is jabbing back.
You may recall the 2011 raid on the facilities of Gibson, the maker of some of the most recognizable guitars in the industry, in what it deemed unfair targeting by the un-Justice Department. It was the second such raid in the course of two years. SWAT teams, armed to the teeth, confiscated approximately $3 million worth of fine wood Eric Holder’s Justice Department insisted was illegally imported from India. The impending criminal case against Gibson was not resolved until 2012, when it agreed to pay a fine of $300,000, and fork over $50,000 to the National Fish and Wildlife foundation (how about those lobbyists, eh?) in exchange for the charges being dropped. Gibson, throughout the ordeal, insisted it had done nothing wrong, releasing this statement to the media following the settlement:
“…[T]he Government used violent and hostile means with the full force of the U.S. Government and several armed law enforcement agencies costing the taxpayer millions of dollars and putting a job-creating U.S. manufacturer at risk and at a competitive disadvantage. This shows the increasing trend on the part of the Government to criminalize rules and regulations and treat U.S. businesses in the same way drug dealers are treated. This is wrong and it is unfair.”
But there was a string attached: Gibson demanded the return of their seized wood. And in a poke in the eye with an E sharp, the company announced that they are producing a new guitar line: The Government Series II Les Paul.

Gibson, founded in 1902 and currently owned and operated by the feisty Henry Juszkiewicz, released this pointed message regarding the new guitar line to the Obama-worshipping media:
“Great Gibson electric guitars have long been a means of fighting the establishment, so when the powers that be confiscated stocks of tonewoods from the Gibson factory in Nashville — only to return them once there was a resolution and the investigation ended — it was an event worth celebrating. Introducing the Government Series II Les Paul, a striking new guitar from Gibson USA for 2014 that suitably marks this infamous time in Gibson’s history.”
Well, kiss my whammy bar! Les would be proud!
Each Government Series II Les Paul starts at $1000, and is accompanied by a certificate of authentication signed by Mr. Juszkiewicz. Supplies are obviously limited. And if you’re anything like me, even though that F chord is a perpetual wrist killer, you’d die to get hold of one.
Rebels built America. And it will take rebels like those at Gibson guitar, and Les Paul whose radical idea for a new type of guitar forever changed music, to fight the tyranny we are experiencing full throttle at the hands of Big Government. So when Mr. Obama and his lackies chide that conservatives, and businesses he disapproves of, are not being systematically targeted by unelected bureaucrats and the likes of Eric Holder’s attack-dog DOJ, we can be sure he is lying like a schoolgirl getting home way past curfew.

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