Hillary Clinton has finally turned over her private server to the FBI. Did she just have a change of heart and decide it was the right thing do? Not exactly. The Inspectors General have found that contrary to Hillary’s assertions, there was classified information in her emails. In fact, they found Top Secret information, the highest classification available, in the very small sample of 40 emails they have inspected.
The State Department [said] that “there are potentially hundreds of classified emails within the approximately 30,000 provided by former Secretary Clinton.”
The 30,000 work-related emails total 55,000 pages in hard copy, which may be all there is left to examine. Hillary claims that the server has been wiped clean, because, of course, that would be the prudent thing to do to maintain proper security. (There is some conflicting information about what has been wiped from the server. CNN reports that the server was wiped only of personal emails). Further, it’s been “a long time” that she’s held the information. Anything could’ve happened by now. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, concurs:
“That’s a long time for top secret classified information to be held by an unauthorized person outside of an approved, secure government facility,” he said in a statement.
Classified information was sent to six people’s private emails.
Clinton and her aides sent information that would later be classified to six people’s private email addresses. They include former Deputy Secretary of State Bill Burns; Cheryl Mills, who was Clinton’s chief of staff at the State Department; and Jake Sullivan, who served as Clinton’s top foreign policy adviser. Clinton also emailed information that would later be classified to close confidant Sidney Blumenthal, whose communications with Clinton about Libya have become a focus of the House committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks.
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