That title is rather obnoxious, but it mirrors the craftsmanship of the mainstream media. This should simply be reported as “Long-Time Defense Official Nominated to Serve as Secretary of the Army.” In fact, an Army Times’ headline about Eric Fanning from earlier this year reads: Top DoD Advisor will be acting Army undersecretary (the fact that he was gay was only found near the end of the article and was without fanfare). But no, the mass media has got to highlight this man’s sexuality in reporting this nomination. Every mainstream headline includes the fact that he is gay, as if sexuality contributes to his competence. This should not be a criteria for the job, and I hope would not be a consideration at all.

Mr. Fanning has spent nearly his entire career in government and has served most recently as the under secretary of the Army since June, and chief of staff to Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter. He has also served as under secretary of the Air Force, Acting Secretary of the Air Force, and deputy undersecretary of the Navy. He is a close friend of Ash Carter and his appointment was no surprise in D.C.
Those are the types of facts that are relevant for public knowledge. I do not need to know that he is the highest-ranking openly gay official at the Department of Defense. Nothing about his sexuality tells me whether he can do his job. By all accounts, despite being gay, he appears to be a well-respected competent government servant.
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