Olsen and Haas: Full Rutabaga on Electoral College

Olsen and Haas: Full Rutabaga on Electoral College

Every time the Democrats lose a national election, they inevitably derp about the abolition of the electoral college. This happened after Al Gore lost to George W. Bush, and the calls are now even stronger, mostly due to the unhinged, derangement on the part of the left after Trump won the White House in 2016. Democrats don’t like to lose, and when they do, they claim something is very wrong with the system. To be sure, it’s rare for a candidate to lose the popular vote but still win the presidency. It’s happened a total of five times in our history.

  • 1824: John Quincy Adams
  • 1876: Rutherford B. Hayes
  • 1888: Benjamin Harrison
  • 2000: George W. Bush
  • 2016: Donald Trump

But so what? The Founding Fathers created the electoral college for good reasons, but Democrats – ever the sore losers – in modern times have sought to destroy the institution, because winning is apparently more important than fairness and just governance.

This year, their shrill calls for the elimination of the electoral college have taken on a somewhat new twist. Well… not new, really, but new for this particular issue. See, since the September 11th attacks, justifications for everything from the creation of a monster new bureaucracy, to campaign finance reform, to mandates in higher education, to pouring more taxpayer dollars into private enterprises, have come down to “national security.” All you have to do is mention “national security,” and the government plops new taxpayer dollars into your lap! The statists in Washington have realized this little fact, and have twisted themselves into pretzels to cite “national security” as a concern for their every whim.

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Ava Gardner