For most of us, saying that Western Civilization cannot coexist with radical Islam deserves an eye roll and a “No, duh.” Look around the internet or your neighborhood today and “Coexist” bumper stickers are all over, as if it’s up to Western Civilization.
The “Coexist” bumper sticker is…right there in the middle
The definition of “coexist”, according to Merriam-Webster:
Definition of coexist
intransitive verb
: to exist together or at the same time
: to live in peace with each other especially as a matter of policy
Do we exist at the same time as Radical Islam? Yes. Radical Islamists’ policy is for us and all who disagree with them, even other Muslims, to convert, live in slavery, pay or die.
Zee News begins this story with this assertion: “After massacring hundreds and thousands of Christians, the Islamic State rulers have now decided to allow them the right to live, provided they sign ‘Dhimma’ contract, follow its 11 strict rules, and pay Jizyah tax.”
Jizya is a tax and dhimma is a protected person (allowed to live). That sounds like “coexisting” to me (Please read that with dripping sarcasm).
Our own, soon to be former, President Barack Obama had a Muslim father and Muslim stepfather and lived in a predominantly Muslim country as a child. He studied the Koran in Jakarta and has called the Muslim call to prayer one of the “prettiest sounds on Earth”.
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