Gersh Kuntzman doubles down on fear of the AR-15

Gersh Kuntzman doubles down on fear of the AR-15

NY Daily News’ Gersh Kuntzman has felt the sting of ridicule, and he has responded as any girly-man would. For the second day in a row he wrote the stupidest thing on the internet. He has decided that, in fact, being a girl might be better than being a man.

Yes, I’m a wimp. I simpered because my experience with the AR-15 bruised me, body and spirit. But there’s nothing unmanly about reminding my readers that mass murder is much easier to commit with a semi-automatic killing machine than it is with a hammer.

If that makes me a girl, well, maybe we should have a girl running the country.

Well no secret who he’s voting for.

Yesterday Gersh made a complete fool of himself when he reported he was terrified after firing an AR-15 rifle. I personally took part in the ridicule. My VG sisters can verify that I felt kinda bad, but sometimes a slap of reality is called for, if not to educate the moron, then to at least straighten out the misinformation.


Twitter was the most popular vehicle for righting Gersh’s hysterical reaction to shooting a gun, which included him claiming to suffer from a temporary case of PTSD.

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