Hillary Goes Full Mao, Wants MAGAs Deprogrammed

Hillary Goes Full Mao, Wants MAGAs Deprogrammed

Donald Trump broke Hillary Clinton. She never thought he could beat her for the Presidency. Hillary was a shoe-in. The Democratic Party had fixed it for her. A New York builder and reality competition host had no chance against the woman designated to be the First Woman President. She was the Chosen One and he was a nice bank account to lay the touch on. In 2016, Hillary said that you could Trump Supporters in a Basket of Deplorables. Since Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton, she has become more bitter and hateful. As unlikeable as she was, in 2023 she has gone full on Mao tse-Tung and believes that those in the Trump Cult, the MAGAs need to be deprogrammed.

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Ava Gardner