As if we need anymore reinforcement of the fact that the lamestream media are a collective of clueless twits, we have this from Newsbusters:
CNN anchor Deb Feyerick asked Saturday afternoon if an approaching asteroid, which will pass by Earth on February 15, “is an example of, perhaps, global warming?”
Moments earlier, before an ad break, she segued from the Northeast blizzard to a segment with Bill Nye “the science guy,” by pointing to global warming: “Every time we see a storm like this lately, the first question to pop into a lot of people’s minds is whether or not global warming is to blame? I’ll talk to Bill Nye, ‘the science guy,’ about devastating storms and climate change.”
She never got to that question in the subsequent interview at about 3:25 PM EST during CNN Newsoom, instead transitioning from a snowfall update: “Talk about something else that’s falling from the sky and that is an asteroid. What’s coming our way? Is this an effect of, perhaps, of global warming or is this just some meteoric occasion?”
Nye resisted confirming her hypothesis.
First of all “Bill Nye the Science Guy” is such a crock, but I digress. Here’s the video of the incident.
Liberals, we know you use the word “Global Warming” when you simply have nothing else to say. The Asteroid though, was an interesting twist.
Great Weekend Blog Reading Links!
Teach at Pirate’s Cove is blogging about “Warmist: Does Hotcoldwetdry Cause Asteroids?” Go check it out!
Stacy at The Other McCain has up a great blog post on “Finally: Washington Post Covers Death of Woman at Maryland Abortion Clinic.” It’s a really important post.
ST at Sister Toldjah has up a post on “Quote of the day on the male/female “equals” battle.”
Professor Jacobson at Legal Insurrection has up a terrific post on “What if you had an open Senate seat and almost no Republicans wanted it?” Good Stuff!
Emily at NakedDC has a blog post up on “Did Bob Menendez trade DR sexytime for help in a Medicare investigation?”
Dana at The First Street Journal has up a really good post called “Rule 5 Blogging: Norwegian Army”. There’s pics.
Grim over at Blackfive has up a blog post called “The DHS Ammo Purchases.” It’s great.
This Ain’t Hell has a bunch of great posts up today but I like this one by Jonn called “Petraeus sunk by subordinates?” Go read.
Michelle Obama’s Mirror has up a post called “Dressing For Success: Gun Control Style.”
Instapundit has a lot of good blog reading up at his hub including THIS one!
American Power also has up a blog post on “Obama’s Drone Attack On Your Due Process.” It’s good stuff.
Ed Morrissey is blogging at Hot Air on “Cheney: Obama appointing second-raters to nat-sec positions.” It’s great.
and finally, Andy at AoSHQ has up a blog post “Lindsey Graham on Benghazi: Yeah, That “What Does It Matter” Answer Wasn’t Good Enough”. The video is great.
Sorry for the lateness of this post. We hope your weekend was fabulous!
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