Poor, poor Hillary Clinton. She just can’t catch a break these days! As Deanna noted here, her sobfest blame game book tour has broken both the irony and self awareness meters to the eleventy billionth degree. I mean seriously, she bought another house next to hers because she was SO certain she’d be President! She rolled Biden, Obama, and Bernie under the bus, and by golly that darned Electoral College just would NOT OBEY!

Well, folks. On the very eve of “What Happened” hitting the shelves, a Maryland judge got all up in Hillary’s email business.
A Maryland county judge has ordered the state bar to investigate three lawyers accused of deleting thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails.
Circuit Judge Paul F. Harris Jr. ruled Monday that the Attorney Grievance Commission and Office of Bar Counsel Maryland Office of Bar Counsel must look into complaints against Cheryl Mills, Heather Samuelson and David E. Kendall, citing “allegations of destroying evidence,” according to the Washington Times.
Oh, boy, this is going to be quite the show! Especially since the FBI put the kibosh on releasing files because they said there is zero public interest in what would be in those files. Yes, that was an actual statement by the FBI!
“You have not sufficiently demonstrated that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs personal privacy interests of the subject,” FBI records management section chief David M. Hardy told Mr. Clevenger in a letter Monday.
“It is incumbent upon the requester to provide documentation regarding the public’s interest in the operations and activities of the government before records can be processed pursuant to the FOIA,” Mr. Hardy wrote.
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