Pelosi Gives Stupid Reason Why Patriot Prayer Rally Shouldn’t Be in San Fran. [VIDEO]

Pelosi Gives Stupid Reason Why Patriot Prayer Rally Shouldn’t Be in San Fran. [VIDEO]

Oh, boy, hold onto your hats, there’s going to be another free speech rally.

The Patriot Prayer group will hold a rally in Crissy Park in San Francisco. While its organizer, Joey Gibson, insists that they only want to promote peace and unity, Nancy Pelosi and the SF media say otherwise. Must be those words “patriot” and “prayer” that have their panties in a wad.

Joey Gibson. Credit: KATU.

Never mind that the nation’s premier witch hunters, the Southern Poverty Law Center, don’t call them a “hate group.” Or that Patriot Prayer’s Facebook page says they’re about “using the power of love and prayer to fight the corruption” in government. Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want them in San Francisco. Because, according to her, the Constitution says you can’t yell ‘wolf’ in a crowded theater.

Yes, she said that. Behold, the constitutional genius that is Pelosi:

The astute Pelosi also called the event a “white supremacist” rally, claiming that it will become a “venue to Nazis and white nationalists.”

Moreover, San Francisco media call Patriot Prayer “right wingers.” They’ve also accused them of “spawning violence.”

And that’s not all, folks.

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Ava Gardner