Hillary Clinton is losing control of her narrative. “I did not have relations with that server” is the next line coming….
After saying publicly that she never knowingly sent classified information while using her unsecured homebrew server (which begs the question, how exactly was she doing her job as Secretary of State?), we now know that at least two of the emails on that server were marked “Top Secret.” This forced Hillary to cough up the server, along with thumb drives held by her lawyer, David Kendall, to the FBI. There is now speculation that those emails may have had their “Top Secret” designation deliberately removed. Then we learned that the server had “migrated” to New Jersey, wiped “blank” by Platte River Networks, who then stored the server (why store it if there is nothing on it?). Now, the Washington Times is reporting that the number of classified emails on that server has risen to at least 60, not counting the two “Top Secret” ones.
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