This morning the world woke up to the aftermath of yesterday’s mass shooting, perpetrated by a few more bloodthirsty Muslims. While the media loops the videos of a wounded policeman on the ground being executed by a monster in a ski mask, a few have turned the gaze of analysis back on domestic soil. Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller points out an especially salient fact: President Obama and his administration have a very distinct pattern of subtly blaming free speech when these things happen.
2010: Obama criticized Terry Jones, the pastor who planned to burn copies of the Koran—an act protected by the First Amendment.
2012: The US Embassy in Cairo released a statement “condemn[ing] the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims,” blaming the film The Innocence of Muslims for the infiltration of the embassy. (The administration would, of course, also blame this film for the attack in Benghazi that left four brave Americans dead and several more horribly injured.)
As The Federalist’s David Harsanyi notes, the American Embassy in Islamabad, Pakistan paid for an aired an advertisement showing both Obama and then-Sec. of State Hillary Clinton condemning the video.
“We absolutely reject its content and message,” Clinton says in the ad.
Then there was the Sept. 25, 2012 speech to the U.N. General Assembly, in which Obama openly criticized free speech:
“The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam,” Obama said at the event. “But to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see in the images of Jesus Christ that are desecrated, or churches that are destroyed, or the Holocaust that is denied.”
Most people point out that “well, he said all religions are the same and people shouldn’t desecrate pictures of Jesus either. In fact, there’s a good chance you just said that very thing in your head. Here’s the problem: Obama should not under any circumstances even make comments like that. Why not? Harsanyi explains, in writing about the Obama/Clinton statement regarding The Innocence of Muslims:
“The producer of this pointlessly inflammatory video was well within his rights to mock any religion he chose however he pleased,” Harsanyi wrote. “So the statement irresponsibly perpetuates a false notion about how free speech works around here. Neither The Embassy of the United States in Cairo nor the president of United States has the power to apologize for your views on religion.”
Let’s hone in on that last statement: Neither The Embassy of the United States in Cairo nor the president of United States has the power to apologize for your views on religion.
This means that at no time, and for no reason, should Obama ever make comments regarding the supposed provocation caused by making fun of Mohammed and his child-raping, donkey-fornicating ways. Instead, he should be focused on condemning the animals who think that gunning down innocent people (or bombing them, or slaughtering them, or kidnapping them, beheading or raping them) is acceptable behavior if you didn’t like their cartoons.
As for the rest of us, we should be posting those cartoons—every last one of them in all their glory—on every page, every website, every comment thread we can get our hands on. Why? Because that’s how you deal with tyranny. That’s how you deal with someone who tells you that you cannot speak or believe the way you wish. That’s what you do when some disgusting Allah worshiper tries to force you to honor his barbaric belief system or die…
You defy it. You stand up and refuse. You make it absolutely clear that you will not submit, you will not comply. And when they push the issue and decide to kill people over it, you hunt them. You hunt them, and you arrange a meeting between them and their pedophilia-loving prophet.
Unfortunately, we are too busy being afraid…or in league with them.
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