September 29, 2015
Center For Bio-Ethical Reform Releases Video Referenced By Fiorina in Second GOP Debate
Many of remember Carly Fiorina’s challenge to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and the pro-Planned Parenthood camps to “watch the videos” at the second GOP debate. The video in question has been released by The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform. WARNING: This video contains graphic images and it is not safe for the work environment and children under 18.
“Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain. This is about the character of our nation, and if we will not stand up in and force President Obama to veto this bill, shame on us.”-Carly Fiorina
Fiorina has been called a liar by feminist Gloria Steinem for exposing Planned Parenthood:
“What she said about Planned Parenthood was a 100 percent lie — as fact checkers have pointed out — and she accused Hillary Clinton of lying when she was in fact telling the truth. If you thought Republicans could find no woman more damaging to the diversity and needs of the female half of this country than Sarah Palin, take a good look at Carly Fiorina and what she stands for.”-Gloria Steinem”
New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio also attacked Fiorina on her stance on abortion post debate:
“I think when you see someone like Carly Fiorina attacking the reproductive health options provided by Planned Parenthood, I think it is not only wrong on every level, but I think women all over this country will reject her and any other Republican who tries to stand in the way of women getting the health care that they need.”-Bill de Blasio
Just this past weekend, at a University of Iowa football game tailgate party, Fiorina was pelted with unopened condoms by Planned Parenthood supporters donned in pink. A new report indicates that protesters were paid by Planned Parenthood to throw the condoms at Fiorina, according to Breitbart. This has not been the first time Planned Parenthood has enlisted individuals to help promote their causes; the organization reportedly used Craigslist to find individuals willing to canvas neighborhoods with literature promoting Obamacare.
The latest plan of attack from supporters of Planned Parenthood is this-they are arguing that the child in the above video was a miscarriage. That this baby would have died anyway. That his lungs were not mature enough to be viable. That he was “not alive” and was only moving when prodded “out of reflex”. There is no argument here that this is indeed a child not a clump of cells, however. While the argument has been focused solely on abortion, we see another aspect to this argument and defense of innocent lives. Is it ethical to sell organs and body parts of the aborted? Is it ethical to sell the organs and body parts of a child that is a product of a miscarriage? Should the government fund this practice under the guise of “reproductive health” and the Planned Parenthood umbrella of services?
Planned Parenthood is “Pinking Out” today and supporters are following suit and donning pink in support of the organization. Underneath the sunshine, lollipops and rainbow-colored condoms lies a darkness. Of course, Fiorina will be pointed out as a “liar” by “fact-checkers” (who are the liberal media.) Of course, it’s empowering for women to throw condoms at a presidential hopeful who also happens to be a woman. The blood of the innocent cannot be covered up in a pretty shade of pink.

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