July 13, 2013
The New Cap and Trade
Editor’s Note: This is another terrific guest post submitted by one of our blog friends, Upinak.
While the SCOTUS has had the media all in a tither regarding gay marriage and such over the last couple of weeks, Obama has been talking environmental issues again. The problematic junk science, in which so many people believe is killing the earth, such as carbon emission, was given very little coverage by media. No surprise right? Here is the video of the big Climate speech Obama gave on June 25th at Georgetown University. Take time to watch it.
What would be done via what Obama wants concerning the junk science of the so called global warming and carbon solutions? More standards on vehicles, appliances buildings that would increase the cost of anything new, making anything used for humans almost unattainable.
The US hasn’t really been using any of the “hydrofluorcarbons” in a large portion of US made appliances due to regulation established in the late 1980’s, when they thought that humans were causing the ozone to deplete over the Antarctic, I am really not sure how this is going to help the U.S. The only assumption is that other countries will go rank in file and do the same… yet only the people in Washington D.C. believe this.
Now there shall be permitting of solar panels and windmills on anything considered Federal Government land? So, when the federal government implements an area in which to do a study that has a solar panel attached to said instrument; will the federal government tax itself? I know of no one setting up solar panels or windmills on federal grounds… do you?
Do you honestly believe that the Obama Administration is going to strengthen levies due to hurricanes, especially since he has already been in 5 years? That didn’t help New Jersey, did it? How about give more to the farmers when many large farming outfits already receive subsidies? Or even bother to speak about the Keystone XL pipeline, mentioning that it would need to show that it would not cause emissions’… because if you believe that I want whatever you are smoking!
This is the old cap and trade in a different sheep skin, with the same wolf. And what it is going to do is take out more private business, which we do not need.

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