Congressional Democrats, led by formerly fluffier Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), are calling for the censure of President Donald Trump regarding his remarks following the Charlottesville melee. Democrats, the media outlets that lead them and cowardly Republicans do not believe that President Trump’s initial remarks reflected what they wanted him to say because he used the words “many sides”. The Democrat-Media Leviathan wants us all to believe that only the socialist nazis, alt-right losers and white supremacist knuckle-draggers are violent.
From the article:
While the censure is unlikely to see traction in the GOP-led House, it serves as a rebuke to Trump and mirrors some of the Republican criticism the president has faced for his remarks.
“A president of the United States cannot support neo-Nazis. It’s just beyond the pale,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., a member of the House Judiciary Committee. “I hope Republicans who have expressed outrage with what he said put their money where their mouth is.”
Thanks, Mr. Nadler. We hadn’t heard from you in a while. Oof.
Next up, uses an appearance by Ted Lieu (D-CA) on MSNBC to try to gin up the censure movement. Notice how Mr. Lieu lies so smoothly. He says that “white supremacists” are some of President Trump’s strongest supporters.
Look, Donald Trump was my number fifteen choice for President of the United States. Sweet Meteor Of Death was ahead of Donald Trump in my list. Donald Trump is not a racist. Donald Trump does not embrace white supremacists, the alt-right, the neo-nazis, or the skin heads. I hope I didn’t leave anyone out of that list of shameful subhumans.
Here is transcript of Trump’s initial statement on Charlottesville from
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