As if we needed any reminders that radical Islam is the enemy of any female on the planet, Boko Haram and its leader Abubakar Shekau has seen fit to remind us once again by claiming responsibility for the kidnapping of more than 270 Nigerian schoolgirls in a “two-pronged” offensive to right the wrongs being done to Islam in Nigeria. What on Earth could possibly justify the kidnapping of 270 innocent young girls from their school dormitory, you ask? That would be that they were receiving a “Western” education, of course. You see since Islam teaches us that women are slaves, according to Shekau’s “logic” it is just fine and dandy to kidnap them in the dead of night and sell them off to the highest bidder that he can find. If you are wondering what the age cut off for this horrific sex trafficking of girls is in his twisted mind, he says that he will marry off girls as young as nine years old. Shekau has also warned the international community to stay out of it by threatening further attacks on other schools who are participating in the education of girls.

Islam has a long history of enslaving peoples vanquished by war, according to the Dar al-Harb (House of War) which is one of the two sides of the world as seen in the Islamic texts (the other being the Dar al-Islam or the House of Islam) and specifically of enslaving women who belong to the vanquished people so this is nothing new. Unfortunately it seems that Nigeria has its own problems with dhimmitude since the wife of its President Goodluck Johnson, herself named Patience, was on the record denying that the kidnappings ever took place but were in fact a fiction drummed up by activists to derail her husband’s Presidential bid for re-election. I tell you folks, you just can’t make this stuff up.

Just in case you were wondering, Boko Haram has recently been taken over by Al-Qaeda’s affiliate al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) and some reports claim that the collaboration between the terrorist groups has been going on since 2010. According to an article in the Vanguard, dated March 9th of this year titled “Al-Qaeda takes over Boko Haram”:
“As far back as 2010, intelligence sources said “the Algerian government had said available intelligence reports confirmed that extremist Nigerian Islamic group, Boko Haram, has linked up with al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) which has its North African headquarters in Algeria.”
One of the sources added, “The revelation confirms Nigeria’s intelligence services assessment and worries that the previously unknown group has received training and support from al Qaeda.
“Even at that time, Algerian Deputy Foreign Minister, Abdelkader Messahel, told journalists that intelligence report showed both groups had been coordinating. We have no doubts that coordination exists between Boko Haram and al Qaeda.”
Reuters news agency quoted Messahel as saying “the way both groups operate and intelligence reports show that there is cooperation”.
AQIM is headquartered in Algeria and grew out of conflicts between that country’s government and Islamic militants in the area. In fact it seems that their influence has been steadily spreading across the African continent since the group had previously been active in Mali, Niger and Mauritania but had not been confirmed as being active in Nigeria. With the pre-dawn snatching of these 270 schoolgirls Boko Haram and AQIM have announced their active presence and seem to have been aided in their quest to spread into Nigeria by President Johnathan’s declaration of “emergency rule” which hemmed the terrorists in the northern states of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa which analysts believe contributed to their decision to attack “soft” or non-military targets-such as schools. So I guess that makes him President not such Goodluck doesn’t it?
What troubles me the most is the fate of the 270 kidnapped schoolgirls and whether or not Boko Haram, and their ilk, feel emboldened enough by the support of the dhimmi’s and Islamists in power across the African continent to attack more schools and steal more innocent female children out of their beds in the middle of the night. With their actions they have made it very clear to not only Nigerians, but to the international community, that radical Islam will not allow any deviation from its version of the religion and have also made it abundantly clear to parents across the continent of Africa that their governments are powerless to help rescue their daughters when they are stolen. According to an article in The Guardian published tonight some parents, like Mr. Dauda who is quoted below, have been frustrated when they attempted to pass information to authorities about the abductions.
“Farmer Dauda said his daughter called him from a forest training camp for militants last week. “One of the Boko Haram people came on the phone and told us not to worry; that our daughter is in safe hands,” he told the Guardian. “The man told us, we have warned you not to send your children to school and this is the consequence. Then he told us that if we are patient and follow their orders, we will see our daughter again. But the government are not interested in hearing when we try to speak to them.”(sic)
In the meantime, please keep abreast of the developments in this story by following activist Gbenga Sesan’s #BringBackOurGirls on Twitter and pray for these children, they need all the help they can get.

UPDATE: Today Fox News broke a story that the Obama Administration is sending a team made up of some military, lawyers and hostage negotiators to Nigeria to attempt to help free the Nigerian schoolgirls that were kidnapped 22 days ago from their beds in their boarding school in the dead of night. In the words of Jay Carney:
“Time is of the essence,” he said, stressing that the kidnappings happened 22 days ago. “Appropriate action must be taken to locate and to free these young women before they are trafficked or killed.”
Don’t get me wrong dear reader, I am thrilled that our country is sending this team to help these girls but I just find it downright offensive that they have the nerve to say that time is of the essence when these poor children were taken 22 days ago! I am further disgusted with our dhimmi in chief since, according to an article on the same topic published by the Washington Examiner this afternoon , Brian Hughes states that the Administration has followed up their announcement this morning with another revelation by stating that the U.S. is not considering putting American boots on the ground in Nigeria. So in other words this offer of “help” is yet another version of “STOP OR I WILL SAY STOP AGAIN!” or his “Red Lines” that he drew for Bashar Assad in Syria. Tragic, considering some of these poor girls have already been sold off for as little as $12. #BringBackOurGirls
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