Biden Takes Shots At The Supreme Court/Trump In Overtime Talk

Biden Takes Shots At The Supreme Court/Trump In Overtime Talk

Joe Biden’s normal, functioning work hours are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., but last night Joey Baby worked overtime. At 7:45 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, they rolled out twin teleprompters so that Joe could tell us all about the Supreme Court’s latest mistake. Because, you know, any decision that isn’t exactly what the ruling cabal wants must be a democracy killer. Joe used the bully pulpit of the White House to drag both the Supreme Court and the congenitally evil (boo, hiss) Donald Trump. Joe is sorely disappointed in the Supreme Court for keeping immunity the way it has always been and not limiting the power of the Presidency for Donald Trump. Joe, among other things, is an A-1, First Class Hypocrite. If Joe was pale last Thursday, he was beet red last night.

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Ava Gardner