Bret Stephens: Useful Idiot for Gun Grabbers, Sniveling Punching Bag for the Rest of Us [Video]

Bret Stephens: Useful Idiot for Gun Grabbers, Sniveling Punching Bag for the Rest of Us [Video]

In the aftermath of the horror we felt as a country after Sunday night’s brutal, deadly attack on innocent civilians, the usual suspects grabbed their bloody shirts and proceeded to ride their “MOAR GUNZ CONTROL” hobby horse, the “Republicans” on the Hill shelved legislation to make sound suppressors less onerous to purchase, and even the NRA has come out in support of limiting bump fire stocks, sending the message to all gun owners that their rights are less important than messaging and virtue signaling in the wake of tragedy.

One so-called “conservative” commentator, however, published a derptastic missive in the New York Times, which went much further than the usual calls for more gun control. Oh, no. Bret Stephens went full rutabaga, channeling Michael Moore, calling for the repeal of the Second Amendment. This is nothing new from Moore, whose hatred for our rights and freedoms oozes from every pore of gelatinous mass, but from an alleged “conservative,” it’s a bit jarring and indicative of the level of irrational emotionalism that governs some people’s responses to tragedy.

“I have never understood the conservative fetish for the Second Amendment,” Stephens claims, immediately trotting out the old, hackneyed trope about conservatives fetishizing guns (must be a substitute for inadequate reproductive organs, right?).

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Ava Gardner