Obama’s Amnesty Hurts Those He Claims To Want To Help

Last night, the President outlined his plan for Executive Amnesty for 5 million people in the country illegally. As a result, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is preparing for another influx of border crossers this coming spring. In Texas, the Administration will be opening a 2,400 bed facility in anticipation of the 100,00+ illegal aliens that they expect to come across the Southern border in the spring.

Here we go again! Photo Credit Breitbart Texas

This is concerning on so many levels. The crossers this summer brought all manner of disease with them into their adopted country. Scabies, Chicken Pox, lice and Enterovirus D68 which is a serious respiritory illness that killed four American children all came across with the border crossers into Texas and California immigration detention centers this summer. The onslought of disease among those crossing this summer and fall was so serious that doctors treating the immigrants were threatened not to disclose what was going on in the detention centers on the Southern border in Texas. My sister, who teaches in a special program for children to ill to attend school in a southern border state, narrowly avoided having to teach a child with active TB.

CDC map of Enterovirus cases this year, known and suspected.

The proposed action by Obama will apply to those parents of the “Dreamers”, or those children who are American citizens due to their birth in this country, or who are naturalized citizens.  After they pass background checks and pay fees their parents will be allowed to get work permits and be granted relief from deportation for three years. When you live in a state where illegal aliens are responsible for so many senseless crimes against legal citizens though-it makes no sense. Just last year in our state, two little girls were run down by an illegal alien who then washed the SUV to get rid of the evidence. This month we had a college football player stabbed to death by an illegal alien for no apparent reason. Not to mention that this will hurt the chances for employment of other low skilled, or young workers which is a core group that Obama claims to want to help.

U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow

In fact, the U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner Peter Kirsanow  wrote a letter to Obama in October of this year to explain that his proposed amnesty plan will devastate the black community.  In his letter he discusses the effect of amnesty on the African-American working class.

“Such an increase in lawful workers would have a deleterious effect on low-skilled American workers, particularly black workers. In 2008, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held a briefing regarding the impact of illegal immigration on the wages and employment opportunities of African-Americans. The testimony at the briefing indicated that illegal immigration disproportionately impacts the wages and employment opportunities of African-American men.”

In other words, the Administration is putting at risk the very futures of the people that they claim to want to help “even out the playing field”.

“The proposed executive order will also have a negative effect on young African- Americans at the outset of their working lives. Young, low-skilled workers are facing enormous difficulties in this economy. A recent study from the Brookings Institution found, “Only about half of high school graduates not enrolled in post-secondary education and less than 30 percent of high school dropouts worked in a given month in 2011.” Black teens had the highest labor underutilization rate…of any ethnic group – 60 percent.”

Well, congratulations King Obama. You traded one groups interests over another instead of doing the right thing for all Americans, regardless of race, which would be to enforce the borders and protect the interests and prosperity for of our citizens.

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