“When you’re getting kicked in the rear, it means you’re in front.” –Often attributed to Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979)
Those evil Koch brothers are at it again. This time—gasp!—they’ve donated 100 million of their corrupt (or something) dollars for a New York City hospital’s addition of an ambulatory care center, prompting all forms of Lefty (bused in?) indignation. Apparently the philanthropic Koch brothers didn’t receive their memo from the Loony Left that they’re not supposed to care about the sick or the medical needs of Americans. They seem to have forgotten the mantra that “Conservatives Want Sick People to Die.” We know, because the honorable Alan Grayson said so.

The duplicitous duo have not gone unnoticed by the climate-change obsessed (Russia’s doing what? Venezuelans are protesting? IRS who?) union-owned Harry Reid, recipient of the Worst Living Human Being on the Planet award. It wasn’t enough for Prince Harry to wax apoplectic on the floor of our Senate—where he represents all of Nevada, including myriad conservatives—and label the millions of his fellow Americans liars for telling their ObamaCare truths, while blaming the depraved Koch brothers for actually helping them tell their nightmarish tales. No, he must keep banging that exhausted drum, ad nauseum, once again attacking the villainous Koch brothers, and by extension American citizens harmed by ObamaCare, this time in a feeble, SOS campaign letter. His most recent desperate attempt at garnering support from his party’s ever-dwindling base of deep-pocketed progressive lemmings is this gem:

You can read the entire, gag-inducing letter here. Be sure to have some antacid on hand.
Sounds to me like Dingy doth protest too much. I think Reid, along with just about every other Democrat senator up for re-election this fall, knows his “leadership” is very likely Move[in’]On out the Senate door come November. He’s whipping out all his hole cards—granted most of them are 2’s and 7’s—in a last ditch effort to cancel his long-overdue departure as head obstructionist of one half of our Congress. Seems to me, given his frequent protestations, that we conservatives and Tea Party-types are finding ourselves right where we want to be: Directly over the target. And to that I say, bombs away.
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