December 8, 2014
Lena Dunham responds to “Barry from Oberlin” and his lawyer
Barry from Oberlin and his lawyer are fighting back still and letting Lena Dunham slander him for a nonexistent sexual encounter in college. This is from an entertainment blog (Miss Dunham is an actress after all)
Random House tells TheWrap: “The name ‘Barry’ referenced in the book is a pseudonym. Random House, on our own behalf and on behalf of our author, regrets the confusion”
Lena Dunham‘s publisher has responded to a story on conservative blog Breitbart News which questioned the validity of rape allegations in the actress’ memoir, as well as her silence since coming forward with the sexual assault claims. The detailed report on Breitbart also called into question Dunham possibly misidentifying the man who she calls “Barry” in the book.
This does not come close to an apology: it is an attempt to divest themselves of legal culpability. Seems to me that Miss Dunham was crying rape just so she can get a social justice warrior patch or something resembling street cred. On that note, Breitbart asks some excellent questions:
1. Lena Dunham has yet to detail what in her rape story is true and what is not true.
2. Was Lena Dunham’s alleged attacker indeed the “campus’s resident conservative”? Was, in fact, her rapist a conservative? A Republican? A prominent Republican on campus? Did he work in a library? Was he mustachioed? Did he wear purple cowboy boots? Did he host a radio show? Did he graduate in December of 2005? How many of these descriptors are true and how many made up?
3. Why on page 3 of her memoir did Dunham inform her readers that she was using a pseudonym for an old boyfriend, but not tell her readers the same when she discussed her rapist named Barry? With the early notification of the use of a pseudonym, the reader is left with the impression that a precedent is being set – that Dunham will identify when she is and is not using a pseudonym.
4. Why does Dunham open the chapter about the rape with the words, “I’m an unreliable narrator” and then go on to write, “[I]n another essay in this book I describe a sexual encounter with a mustachioed campus Republican as the upsetting but educational choice of a girl who was new to sex when, in fact, it didn’t feel like a choice at all.”
Good questions that a competent editor should have asked. Miss Dunham however fit the narrative and fact checking is soooo inconvenient! Miss Dunham hopefully will be paying for her lies for years to come in the courts and in her career. But Hollywood loves Roman Polanski and she is fast approaching his despicable traits.
Full disclosure: this is a big deal that is near and dear to me. False accusations of rape are deal breakers. My experience (and spare me the one-in-five crap: having a weenie waggled at you I can speak personally to the impact of sexual assault. My story involved a creeper who found a knife, slashed the screen on my apartment’s back door held a knife to my throat and sexually assaulted me. I can give details decades later (I recall parts as clear as day but I do not really like revisiting the worst hour of my life) unlike Miss Dunham. And to make it worse, lies like hers stand and rarely does the accused try to clear their name. To make things worse, her story makes it harder and harder for juries to believe the victim or for prosecutors to win a rape case.
Nice feminist role model Lena.
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