#Inauguration: Pre-Inaugural Fashion Elegance From Melania, Ivanka, And Tiffany [VIDEO]

#Inauguration: Pre-Inaugural Fashion Elegance From Melania, Ivanka, And Tiffany [VIDEO]

The pre-Inaugural festivities got underway yesterday with the arrival of the Trump family to Andrews Air Force base. As previously mentioned, all eyes were upon them for a multitude of reasons. One of those reasons I freely admit is Fashion. What would Melania, Ivanaka, and the rest of the women in the Trump family wear?

This is especially of interest since so many designers have essentially shot themsevles in the keister by having stompy foot hysterics over the very IDEA of potentially being asked to dress the newest First Lady instead of Michelle or Hillary pantsuit! Oh. The. Horror! Well, as you’ll see below…the women of the Trump family started the Inauguration festivities on a note of classy style and it continued into the evening.

Melania: Her daytime outfit was quietly elegant.

It also had significant meaning for the designer.

“I was honored to dress the First Lady of the United States for her visit to Arlington Cemetery. Throughout American history, our military personnel have faced difficult circumstances with courage and bravery. The men and women interred at Arlington gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country, as did their families who lost loved ones. We owe them our reverence and support.

“Mrs. Trump’s visit to Arlington was particularly poignant for me, as my biological father is a wounded veteran. His experience, and the lifelong disabilities he sustained, affected my family deeply. I have immense gratitude for all our armed forces and hope we can move forward with the intention of peace and healing for our country and the world,” the statement read.

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Ava Gardner