Hollywood has been the vanguard of all things edgy seemingly since the beginning of the town itself, but this time it seems someone in my former industry-fashion-is taking a stand against someone who has made his name synonymous with “edgy” when it should have been “sleazy”. Actually there is a whole group that has decided to stand up and say “NO” to a creep who has plagued the industry with his introduction of soft porn into vaunted publications like Vogue and W. Why am I writing about this? Because dear reader, this is just ONE of many beautiful examples of the hypocrisy of the left in this nation.
The left is always ready with a condemnation of the GOP or conservatives in this country for their supposed “War on Women”, but this is just one more example of how they observe an amazing amount of “tolerance” for things that should NOT be tolerated in a civilized society.
Things like scrawling “SLUT” across the forehead of a female model in the name of art, asking Lindsay Lohan to pose with a gun in her mouth, photographing Miley Cyrus posing in a leotard with a large purple soda can jutting from her barely concealed crotch. Pure class in every image.
Reportedly taking images like this isn’t enough “artistic stimulation” for Mr. Terry Richardson, he has to manipulate young models into situations that they are unprepared for and photograph their humiliation as described in this article by Michelle Malkin.
Why do you care?
Well dear reader two reasons, one- I truly despise a double standard and this is such a foul, stinky one that I could not let it pass. Two-it could have been me. I was a model in my younger years but was protected by my agents and my parents who accompanied me on shoots when I was underage. Many of the models exploited by this sleazebag evidently are lacking in that kind of parental dedication.
Models Sarah Ziff and Cocoa Rocha have informed the Model Alliance, an activist organization formed to help give models a voice, of his exploits and loathsome conduct.
What does this have to do with politics?
It just so happens that “Uncle Terry”, as he prefers his subjects refer to him (shiver), is dating New York Democratic operative Amanda Gelman who doesn’t appear to mind her boyfriend’s creepy photographic exploits. This is the type of person that a “rising star” in the Democrat party is associated with. And they thought Mitt Romney and his “binders full of women” comment was SO wrong!
This is the modern left, so remember to Google Terry Richardson (NOT AT WORK) and click on the images tab, then show your well meaning liberal girlfriends what kind of scumbag at least one Democrat starlet won’t kick out of her bed for photographing borderline pedophilia.
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