As some may know, I loved Sarah Palin but I couldn’t go over the edge with her on Trump. And it bothered me greatly that she’d thrown in with him. I had a little black rain cloud over my head for days! I have even secretly hoped that she would pull her endorsement! I have made mistakes in my past too, so I could never criticize her on that front, but her statements since she endorsed Trump have been very hard to reconcile with who I thought she was.
So after this latest thing today (where she is campaigning and her husband is in the hospital) I have come to my own conclusions on what has happened to her. If you think back to when she burst onto the scene as John McCain’s running mate she was unmercilessly attacked from day one – and not just by the enemy Left which to some degree would have been expected, but her own party – the people who should have been her support. The attacks from the Left were the most vile thing I have seen in my lifetime, so that was bad enough. But then to be undermined and backstabbed by her own people? I thought it was completely unfathomable. I can imagine that she felt very, very alone – and for no good reason, she had done nothing wrong except speak up for her country.
But I think the attacks were so bad that it changed who she was. I think she became vengeful. To me this is the only thing that makes sense. The Sarah that I thought I knew would never in a million years have supported Trump, and she was only one of very few politicians that I ever felt that confident about. Some people are saying “told ya so” about her, but before this she was just a straight shooter – she said things that caught people off guard, but there was never anything crazy about them. They were based in fact and logical conclusions. She had a way of saying things that was undeniably true but shocking to hear – and that’s one reason why the Left couldn’t stand her. She really did make them crazy. So they made her into a dumb wacky hillbilly, and the Establishment allowed it and even encouraged it to happen. This succeeded because she was so different. I can’t think of one woman politician that has as much hutzpah and charisma and sexiness. There is literally no one like her, so they were able to single her out and eventually take her down. Classic Alinski. There is no way to win a fight where it is one person against an endless, unrelenting media machine. And that was successful too, because now she has become what they always claimed she was. And we who supported her are without one more solid leader. The Left is patient and not kind.
I’m not sure how much a person can be expected to stand before they lash out. I think Sarah reached that point and saw in Trump the perfect vehicle for her revenge (and isn’t this the same sentiment we are witnessing with many Trump supporters?). I don’t think she’s any more motivated for power or money than the next person – those accusations never made any sense to me. But being able to stick it to those assholes, yeah that rings true.
Not sure everyone here ever felt the same about her, but this is to me a significant and real example of the evil that exists in the Left and what damage they continue to do to society. Sure, everybody has to answer for their actions (and words) but we don’t exist in a vacuum. We are constantly bombarded with less than positive messages, and it is only a Herculean effort, and not an individual one, that keeps us from sinking into very dark places.
We are, right now, in a fight that has implications far beyond who will be the next president. Continue to have courage and stand up for what is moral and what is right. I promise you are not alone.
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