Geez, radical feminists have no sense of humor. They are such a cranky lot, I wonder if they can laugh at anything.
For example, take the latest kerfuffle in New York City.
NYC women really love the “Fearless Girl” sculpture that stands opposite the “Charging Bull” on Wall Street. “Fearless Girl” showed up in March on International Women’s Day, and while she was set to be temporary, women pressured Mayor Bill de Blasio to keep her around. So he extended her stay on Wall Street for another 11 months.
However, another city sculptor doesn’t like “Fearless Girl” at all. In fact, sculptor Alex Gardega says she “has nothing to do with feminism, and it is disrespect to the artist that made the bull. That bull had integrity.”
So he added his own artistic contribution: a sculpture of a dog peeing on Fearless Girl’s leg. It’s a poorly-executed sculpture, and Gardega said he intentionally made it “crappy” to “downgrade the statue, exactly how the girl is a downgrade on the bull.”
Oh, the outrage by feminists! You would’ve thought that some He-Man Woman-Hater had desecrated the grave of Margaret Sanger, their patron saint.
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