This week President Obama ordered airstrikes in Iraq. The Nobel Peace Prize winner apparently has decided that talking will not work with the “junior varsity” militants who are taking over that directionless country.
CNN’s Gloria Borger noted in a column on Friday that when Obama, the so-called “very reluctant warrior,” spoke to the nation on Thursday evening to explain his decision to take military action, he did not look directly at the camera, but rather avoided eye contact with the American people.
Borger waxed poetic about the gut-wrenching decisions Obama has had to make on how to handle the escalating ISIS crisis in Iraq. She wistfully explained that Obama is torn between his promise to end the wars in the Middle East and now being called upon to deal with the genocide of non-Muslims in Iraq by the hate-filled faction known as ISIS. What Borger failed to note is that the escalating crisis in Iraq is Obama’s fault since he chose to ignore it for the last seven month.
When David Remnick of The New Yorker asked Obama for his thoughts on the growing resurgence of Al Qaeda in Iraq this past January, Obama’s response was very telling:
“The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama said, resorting to an uncharacteristically flip analogy.
It looks like Obama failed to recognize that what he mistook for a JV team was actually LeBron James changing from a Miami Heat uniform back to a Cleveland Cavaliers uniform. In other words, the Muslim extremists never were second string or amateur or junior varsity, but rather professional level in their hatred and their thirst for blood.
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