Remember the touching tribute last Friday on NBC Nightly News when Brian Williams was reunited with one of the soldiers who provided ground cover after the helicopter Williams and other NBC employees were being transported in through Iraq in 2003 was shot down by an RPG? Williams and the now retired Command Sgt. Major Tim Terpak attended a New York Rangers – Montreal Canadiens game together last week at Madison Square Garden. The Rangers organization planned a special tribute to him, and he received a standing ovation from the crowd and the players from both teams.

“The story actually started with a terrible moment a dozen years back during the invasion of Iraq when the helicopter we were traveling in was forced down after being hit by an RPG,” Williams said on the broadcast. “Our traveling NBC News team was rescued, surrounded and kept alive by an armor mechanized platoon from the U.S. Army 3rd Infantry.”
However, in an interview with Stars and Stripes, Williams acknowledged that he “misremembered the events and was sorry”.
Williams’ admission came after members of the 159th Aviation Regiment’s Chinook that was shot by an RPG came forward to tell the public that Williams and his NBC News crew were no where near the wreck as it occurred, and definitely were not on any helicopter that was shot down. The soldiers said that Williams and his crew were on a helicopter that came along about an hour behind the damaged Chinook and the two others flying with it.
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