Last night, late, comedian Jerry Seinfeld released his latest episode of “Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee” and in this one he is talking to Barack Obama, President of the United States.
Now before you roll your eyes and gnash your teeth, I have to tell you that you must MUST watch this episode. Stay with me here. You must watch this episode. The star of the first few minutes of the nineteen plus minutes is a 1963 Corvette Stingray (cue the sound of angels singing). Omg! I was drooling. I was cheering. I was singing the “Star Spangled Banner” and saluting.
Just to refresh your memory, this is what a 1963 Corvette Stingray looks like:
1963 Chevy Corvette Stingray
Okay, now you are drooling. Right? The Stingray has a 327 cubic inch, V8 engine and four barrel carburetor. Power and beauty…be still my heart.
1963 Chevy 327 cu. in. engine
Seinfeld describes not only the car in beautiful and exquisite detail, but he also describes the America that built the car. He tells us that in the 1960’s and 1970’s all astronauts drove Corvettes. Remember those manly men with the flat top haircuts?
Check out these Apollo astronauts with their Corvettes:
Astronauts with Corvettes
Remember that America? Remember the America where the President didn’t discuss his underwear (not just Obama in this video, but Clinton, too). Remember the America that went to the moon…just because. Remember the America that defeated the Evil Empire. Remember the America before Obamacare and Pajama Boy?
Pajama Boy
You MUST watch the first few minutes of Comedians in Cars….the Obama episode. Watch the whole thing, if you have a strong stomach (I did not). The video link is here.
After he gets to the White House, Seinfeld just kisses Obama’s backside and it all goes pear shaped from there on. Nothing quotable and nothing inspiring….well, other than the 1963 Corvette Stingray.
Happy 2016, everyone. Let’s be a Corvette driving, enemy defeating America for 2016.
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