Mimosa, Bloody Mary, nice flute of champagne — or maybe a favorite tipple in your coffee. Make yourself one and join me at our own Algonquin Round Table, the spirit of Dorothy Parker abides.
Happy Sunday, dear friends! Woohoo, it is December 1st! Our brunch table is decorated for the season and you’ll find among our morning offerings not just the usual copious amounts of champagne but some hot, spiked wassail. YUM! Nothing wrong with us being a little giddy as the Left is still in full meltdown now three weeks after the Donald prevailed over hapless Harris and the Machine despite their nuke-strength gaslighting. We’ve got about two years to claw back some of our lost liberty. Buckle up, dears. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride. So let’s do it in style! L’Chaim!
Tough competition this past week, but this passive-aggressive narcissist is pretty stunning.
If you’re struggling to decide what to get your Trump voting family for Christmas, why not make them a crocheted Christmas ornament with a horrible note inside that they’ll never see?
Unhinged. pic.twitter.com/l8Bf8w1qgl
— Hazel Appleyard (@HazelAppleyard_) November 30, 2024
Oh, do note, that isn’t a cross necklace, but an IUD one.
Such a lovely lady.
Starmer and the Labour Party are stone-cold fascists.
A new regulatory coup in the UK could give London regulators the power interfere at the level of product design and to stop any tech acquisition, anywhere, for basically any reason they want. More:
• A newly minted UK regulator will soon be handed a raft of sweeping powers that… pic.twitter.com/iCwNvy5cZN
— Pirate Wires (@PirateWires) November 26, 2024
Rest of the text:
• A newly minted UK regulator will soon be handed a raft of sweeping powers that will allow it to subject American tech companies to aggressive legal interventions
• A new “ex-ante” framework means US tech companies will be forced to work with regulators at the level of product design
• Companies face fines of up to 10% of global revenue for violations and up to 5% of global revenue for failing to cooperate with investigations (potentially on top of similarly large fines levied by the EU)
• The new laws allow the UK government to compel businesses and individuals abroad to produce information, including testimony and documentation, even in cases where (a) the deal is not primarily UK-related (b) the individuals in question are not UK nationals or residents and (c) the relevant documents are stored outside the UK
New @AshleyRindsberg piece on Pirate Wires today. Link is threaded.
And I couldn’t say it better than this:
The government putting its own regulators at the helm of private businesses is what actual fascism looks like in practice btw. Financiers fund the Gov and are dictating policy.
Starmer should at least have the decency to respect the public's intelligence by doing it covertly
— Thorolf Butter (@ThorolfButter) November 27, 2024
Tell me again that Leftism is not a religion.
A remote Canadian town was fined thousands of dollars after it refused to celebrate Pride Month and didn’t hang up a rainbow flag.
The town of Emo in Ontario was fined $10,000 and its Mayor Harold McQuaker was also penalized $5,000 on November 20 after a local pride group sued the community of 1,300 for not recognizing Pride Month.
McQuaker and two town councilors will also be required to complete mandatory human rights training within 30 days, according to The National Post.
Dear lord, if I hear one more Queer Rainbow Warrior claim that they just want to be “free to be left alone” I will dump a pitcher of watered down Happy Hour margaritas on their head. The “Pride” community is all celebrate us or it’s diSCrImINatIOn!
Nope. That’s not the way it works.
“Family Ties” Justine Bateman decided to come out after Nov 5th. Gay, you say? No, as a conservative Trump voter. You may know how that went over …
Hours after Donald Trump claimed victory in the presidential race, “Family Ties” actress Justine Bateman shocked Hollywood by revealing her relief …
Decompressing from walking on eggshells for the past four years.
— Justine Bateman (@JustineBateman) November 8, 2024
Now she tells The Post that her battle cry came at a cost, as she was told by people: “Oh Justine, I didn’t know you were a Nazi.
“I did have friends say, ‘I love you, call me anytime, but I have to unfollow you’ or ‘I have to distance myself from you online, publicly,” Bateman added.
In the last 12 years or so I’ve never heard of a member of the WrongThink deplorables refuse to see mom, dad, sister, brother because they voted wrong.
Shocking, amirte?
but I’m not ready to trust …
I’m stunned. Apple just released the single greatest pro-parenting ad in the history of American advertising.
The pro-family cultural revolution is here.
Watch. Try not to cry… pic.twitter.com/30JvZkuMjJ
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 28, 2024
We’ve gotten so used to major corporations engaging, openly, in CRT/DEI and all sort of TQ+ mafia Pride signalling — indeed, you’ll recall that it was Apple that introduced the “pregnant man” emoji with much fanfare — that one normal advertisement is causing a stir.
Maybe, maybe, maybe.
I want to commend Fox News for flying a reporter down to Swannanoa NC today in the middle of a snow storm.
While FEMA is saying no one is in tents, Fox News is literally talking to them.
Well done. pic.twitter.com/lotiBAkO13
— Matt Van Swol (@matt_vanswol) November 23, 2024
Notre Dame Cathedral is back, even more glorious that the rebuild and restoration removed centuries of smoke, pollution and grime. Pictures are incredible.
Unlike WKRP in Cincinnati, this turkey drop was a wild success.
When she heard that some of her neighbors were eating squirrels for Thanksgiving, a local pilot thought she’d lend a helping wing. (snip)
“I was visiting our newest neighbor and they were talking about splitting a squirrel three ways for dinner, and how that didn’t really go very far,” [Esther] Sanderlin told Alaska’s NBC affiliate KTUU on the Monday in advance of Turkey Day.
“And I just had a thought at that moment, ‘You know what, I’m going to airdrop them a turkey for Thanksgiving,’ because I recently rebuilt my first airplane with my dad and so I can do that really easily.” (snip)
This year she’s dropping 30 to 40 turkeys to ensure her neighbors have as much to eat as they like on the day to be thankful for friends and family.
As God is my witness, Esther is the bomb.
Sorry to say, friends, but our time together this morning has come to a close. Hard to believe that December is here and we’re fast approaching Christmas and 2025 right afterwards. I can’t think of better company to spend a Sunday morning with than all of you. See you next week! Cheers!
featured image original graphic by Darleen Click
To paraphrase, “the UK has made their law, now let them enforce it”.. And you are dead right, the British empire has fallen, WWII was for nothing (at least in that case), as it only delayed fascism taking over. Canada is still part of the empire, and is just as lost.
On a related note, did you see where the Canuckian leftists issued a statement that they were upset that President Trump compared them to the third world shithole that is Mexico.. and then Mexico got upset that Canuckistan called them a third world shithole??? This is getting good! Need more popcorn and bourbon!
[…] Victory Girls Blog has Sunday morning cafe cocktails linkage. […]
Loved the SSRI eyes on the first woman. I suppose pointing out that Trump is not a convicted felon, that tariffs were how we funded this nation in the beginning and yes, I WANT CHEAPER FUCKING GROCERIES AND GAS MORE THAN I WANT ABORTION would just have her staring at me in horror.
Poor Hazel! She’s working so hard to mess up a God given life! What a waste! I hope somebody at her family gathering tears apart her ornaments in a spectacular reveal… at dinner!
A new “ex-ante” framework means US tech companies will be forced to work with regulators at the level of product design
No. Actually it doesn’t. It can’t. It can force US tech companies who want to sell or serve their product in UK to do this, but American companies have no requirement to abide by British law. We had TWO wars to settle that. (And I’d be OK with a third.)
The new laws allow the UK government to compel businesses and individuals abroad to produce information
I believe the proper legal response to this is what’s called a “Go F*** Yourself” brief. Also known as a “You’re not our boss” brief. Produce whatever tech you folks like (within US law) and make the UK totalitarians keep it out of their country. Ain’t your job.
The town of Emo in Ontario
Buried lede: they have an entire town of people who just couldn’t care less….
And I think the town should start a Mason Jar bank and dare the jackboots to come and get the money.
As God is my witness, Esther is the bomb.
I realize it’s November in Alaska, but I seriously hope she thawed those turkeys first.
Here’s why.