Racism goes both ways, you know.

Racism goes both ways, you know.

Go ahead and be prepared to be very offended when you read this.

The audacity of whiteness never ceases to amaze me. Some make the most obvious racial statements and then say, gee I’m sorry is my privilege showing. Well duh, of course it is and you damn well know it. If it were not so tragic I could be amused by the constant apologizing for racial commentary, when the clear intent was to be racial in the first place. Do yourself a favour and stop with the false apologies it only compounds upon the issue.

As a child most people are taught to think before they speak, but somehow, for some reason, when it comes to discussing bodies of colour, white people regularly experience temporary amnesia. Of course it is assumed that POC will magnanimously turn the other cheek eagerly awaiting the next slap. Why else do we exist but to take the sharp barbs and daily humiliations.

If you can’t get a job some Latino immigrant stole it from you. If you cannot get into the college you want, some African American stole your spot due to affirmative action; or some “super smart” Asian who has no life but to study unfairly outworked you. Are you falsely reporting a crime? Of course blame the black man, everyone knows they’re all criminals anyway. Want some land to pollute, find the nearest Native American, break yet another treaty and wrap it in small pox blankets smothered in their blood. Despite all of the privileges that white bodies are able to marshal if the slightest problem occurs it is always the fault of the body of colour. We’re all equal until a white person feels disenfranchised. I know the drill all to well.

Are you as pissed off reading that as I am? Horrible grammar aside (good Lord, did the writer pass the sixth grade? Sheesh!), that article just floored me.

I am SO. TIRED. of white people being blamed for every social ill in the world. I am fed up with people who live in perpetual victimhood constantly looking for some kind of slight or offense to use so that they can reinforce their own ridiculous stereotypes.

We have come so far in this country when it comes to social boundaries. By and large, women and minorities can accomplish anything they want. Nothing is holding you back, if you’re only willing to work hard enough. Sure, you’ll come upon some assholes here and there, but that doesn’t mean that everyone of that particular race or gender is an asshole, too.

Let me use myself as an example. I started my career in journalism as a sports reporter. I was often one of the only females. I then started working for a minor league hockey team, where I was the only female in the office. Aside from working in politics now, my “real” job is working in an auto repair shop. What do you know, another male-dominated job! Occasionally, there is a guy here and there who will be disrespectful, who think I can’t do my job. But that does not mean all men are sexist pricks who think women should stick to girly jobs. 97% of the men I’ve dealt with as a female in male-dominated fields have treated me with nothing but respect and professionalism.

Similarly, I truly believe that most white people are not racist. Yeah, yeah, I’m white, so I can’t possibly know. Whatever. Are there racists out there? Of course, and they come in other races besides just Caucasian, too. There are racists of every color. However, they are in the minority. I do not know a single person who is racist. I can say that with pride. And just because this bitter woman came across a few people who are racist idiots, it doesn’t mean that all white people are. And the claims this lady’s making are ridiculous. When is the last time a white person hunted down some poor, defenseless Native American tribe and infected them with smallpox? 150 years ago? Yet she’s got no problems using it as an example to prove that all white people, in this day and age, are racist.

There’s so much hate and bitterness in that post that it makes me wonder how much racism is really being thrown her way, and how much of it is in her head. People who see nothing but hate and bitterness in the world often are projecting. And I suspect that’s what is going on here. After all, she gives us no specifics, no examples, no polls, no studies, nothing to back up her egregious claim that all white people are racist and prejudiced. She just says that this is the way it is, because she says so. Apparently, the very fact that someone is white — something they have zero control over — is audacious to her. Yet it’s white people who are the racist ones. Um… OK. That makes sense… sorta… not really…

The whole “I am a victim” schtick is so old and tired. There are plenty of people — black, white, male, female, Hispanic, Asian, gay, straight — who love to do nothing more than wallow in their victimhood. And it is so pathetic. You will never get anywhere if all you do is think about how hard you have it and how disenfranchised you are. Part of succeeding is working hard and being willing to overcome the obstacles that will inevitably come your way — not sitting around whining about how mean the world is and how rough you have it.

But of course, if you stopped doing that, you’d have to actually work hard. Take responsibility for yourself. Admit that the world is not a bad place and that people are inherently good. And some people are so much more comfortable in their so-called suffering. This woman, I gather, is probably one of them.

Written by

  • Renee says:

    White woman denies privilege, how fucking original…

  • Cas says:

    No Renee. I never denied privilege; I argued against victimhood. And the very fact that you can’t see the difference proves my point.

  • mojoe says:

    I worked with a woman who came to the US from Honduras. When speaking of Puerto Ricans or Dominicans she would literally spit on the ground (outdoors only). She had nothing but hatred for them. She also had nothing good to say about Guatamalans and Salvadorans.

    White folks have no monopoly on racism. This country has come a long way in my 43 years. Where I live (Boston) it’s common now to see inter-racial couples strolling hand in hand down the street and it barely draws a glance. A bi-racial guy with a muslim name is running successfully for president. We’ve had two black Sec. of State. A woman running for V.P. My state has a black governor.

    I do take issue with people who claim to want “equality” (whatever that means these days) yet continue to define themselves by their color, or heritage, or sexual preference. How about, “I’m an American”. Not an African-American, Italian-American or GLBT-American. Just American.

  • vectorsrule says:

    If I said something on your blog about a “typical black person” everyone here would call me a racist. These were “the one” exact words about white people and the press didn’t say a word.

    Cassy you are right about one thing. The victim hood thing has run its course. White people like me are tired of hearing about how racists we all are without a shred of proof to back it up. I have a hard time understanding how Will Smith and Michael Jordan’s kids will get special preferences over my kids in college because of the color of their skin?

    There is no such thing as “reverse racism” there is only racism.

  • CaptDMO says:

    One must consider the source.
    Those crazy gals at Feministe are desperately seeking “…and their allies” as they watch their ship sinking in the sea of public awareness.

  • Angel H. says:

    No Renee. I never denied privilege; I argued against victimhood. And the very fact that you can’t see the difference proves my point.

    Actually, the fact that you’re even using the word “victimhood” proves Renee’s point.

    Also, learn your history: The United States of America was built on a foundation of white supremacy – colonialism, manifest destiny, and slavery. Because of this, there is institutionalized (and internalized) racism. And that’s the primary focus of today’s anti-racism movement. Racism does not always equal cross-burnings, “nigger” spray-painted on a house, or a Klan march. It’s the way that this country has continued to make racism so prevalent that it’s usually accepted without question.

    Yes, we have come a long way these past couple of hundred years. But as a country – as a society – we still have a long, long way to go.

  • Angel H. says:

    By and large, women and minorities can accomplish anything they want. Nothing is holding you back, if you’re only willing to work hard enough.

    And this is exactly what I’m talking about. You automatically assume that they aren’t working hard to achieve they’re goals. As a matter of fact, minorities and others with privilege have to work twice as hard to get past stupid stereotypes like that one.

    There’s so much hate and bitterness in that post that it makes me wonder how much racism is really being thrown her way, and how much of it is in her head. People who see nothing but hate and bitterness in the world often are projecting. And I suspect that’s what is going on here. After all, she gives us no specifics, no examples, no polls, no studies, nothing to back up her egregious claim that all white people are racist and prejudiced. She just says that this is the way it is, because she says so.

    First of all, there have been books, lectures, movies, pamphlets, etc. written about slavery for years and years. Just because you want to close your eyes and hold your ears doesn’t mean that it’s not there. (Must be nice.) And because somebody calls you on your racism (which, really, that’s what this post is), it’s not their job to teach you what racism is. If you’d given a damn from the get-go, you could’ve opened a book. Instead you chose to ignore and now it’s coming back to bite you on the ass.

  • Adrienne says:

    Ms. Fiano,

    Since a lot of folks, in both hi and low places, think they need to apologize for all the white racism “running rampanted in these here Americas” or is that amerika, I think it’s high time that some one from my side apologizes for all the crap and nonsense we put on the backs of white people…So here goes it…I’m sorry…You deserve better from your fellow Americans…You deserve better than being accused of racism everytime something doesn’t go black folks way…As a black woman (and proud Harlem resident) I’ve had more racism thrown at me from my own then I’ve ever experienced in all my 42 years on this planet…I’m serious about this Ms. Fiano, I don’t even know you, but I bet you’d treat me with more respect than I get from own family…Trust me they think I’ve been taken over by pod people that are being directed and cloned in Karl Roves kitchen…Hey I did vote for GWB twice, and would do if again if I could…No one’s perfect and I think GWB has down a wonderful job…He’s stood tall in the most awful of times…He’s had to indure attacks not only from our enemies, but those he seeks to protect…Okay I digress here, but I really thought you should know – I’d glady call you my sister and show you much love…

    Keep your head up…You know what’s in your heart…The good Lord knows what’s in your heart…Keep storing those treasures in heaven…No I’m not trying to make you believe, but it’s what I know…It’s the only comfort I have so I share it with you…Any hoo, I’d say the privilege has been mine to live in such a wonderful country with the greatest of countrymen (I mean men and women on that score)…

    God bless and keep you…

  • Adrienne says:

    P.S.:…Please forgive my spelling in grammar…I typed that comment to fast and barely read it before hitting submit..My sentiment is there and remains the same…

  • James says:

    Angel H.

    Wow, doesn’t it make your weary being so angry all the time. I’m a retired soldier and as part of that I have lived all over the country and world. The worst racism I ever saw was when I was stationed at Ft. Drum in upstate NY. This however, was not directed at blacks, but at the large Armenian immigrant population in that area. I currently live in SC and this is an enlightened nirvana compared to upstate NY. Maybe it is that I’m both white and male (double whammy) that I don’t see this institutionalized racism that you talk about. I do see what I’ve heard referred to as the racism of low expectations all around the country. I think we can safely lay that at the feet of affirmative action. What idiot ever thought that racist policies would fix racism?

    As to slavery, if you were not a slave, it your parents were not slaves, and if your grandparents were not slaves, then it’s not your issue, get over it.

  • Angel H. says:

    Wow, doesn’t it make your weary being so angry all the time.

    I’ve got a better question: Considering the injustices that do happen in this world, why aren’t you more angry?

    Maybe it is that I’m both white and male (double whammy) that I don’t see this institutionalized racism that you talk about.

    EXACTLY! Just because you don’t see it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

    I do see what I’ve heard referred to as the racism of low expectations all around the country. I think we can safely lay that at the feet of affirmative action. What idiot ever thought that racist policies would fix racism?

    First of all, affirmative action does not help only minorities. Its programs are also for women and the disabled. They were put in place to help those without certain privileges – racial, gender, able-bodied, religious – get by social barriers that may otherwise prevent them to getting a job, entering a good college, etc.

    And I’m not sure what you mean by “Racism of low expectations”.

  • Angel H. says:

    One more thing:

    As to slavery, if you were not a slave, it your parents were not slaves, and if your grandparents were not slaves, then it’s not your issue, get over it.

    It is my issue if the effects of slavery are still being felt to this day due to institutionalized racism. And who are you to tell me what is or isn’t “my issue”?

    Racism should be everyone’s concern. It affects people differently – whites v. People of Color – but it does affect everyone. And I believe that the OP is a perfect example: She’s a white woman who’s frustrated with all of the allegations of racism by People of Color. Instead of dismissing these allegations, what she should do instead is try to figure out why such allegations still exist in this day and age, and what she can do top remedy it.

  • Daniel says:

    Being of Hispanic (Mexican and Brazlian)Native American (Cherokee and Blackfoot) and European (Irish, German) I get the privlege from looking at thes from multiple ends. But the cold hard truth? I experiance more racism from other hispanics then I ever had from whites, hell the only racism from whites was from the very liberal Santa Clara county. Even then, its been very little. Im not angry though, because when I joined the Marines I learned there is only one color, green and we were all brothers. Ive been very positive since.

  • andycanuck says:

    Hi Angel,
    If slavery is still being felt to this day, how come black Jamaicans are the most-successful immigrant group in the U.S., earning the white average income? And Jamaica was built on slavery, too, so why isn’t it holding back Jamaican immigrants?

    And for my own curiousity, maybe you can tell us which countries in the world are both historically and currently more successful in race relations than the U.S.?

  • Angel H. says:

    Here’s an interesting article about people who discriminate against their own race:


  • Angel H. says:

    Hello Andy,

    First of all, the fact that the “white average income” is already understood to be the highest in this country should tell you something right there. Secondly, just because black Jamaicans are the most successful immigrant group in the US, it doesn’t mean that they don’t experience racial prejudice. However, I’m not a black Jamaican immigrant, so I can’t claim to speak for them. As is evident from the difference between Adrienne’s response to the OP and my own (despite that we’re both Black women in the US), everyone has different experiences with racism. Also, even though I appreciate your curiosity and geniune desire to learn, I really didn’t come here to teach “Racism 101”. I just came here to let others know where I’m coming and how I’ve experienced things. If you would like to know more, I’m sure there are some excellent blogs or books by blacks of Jamaican descent and some data on race relations in other countries.

  • Wayne says:

    Miss Cassey,

    (I just got through reading this post from your site and flipped over to one of my other favorites and found some VERY POINTED statements that may be good here. I beg your indulgence to post some text and link from another site.)

    With 30-40 years of the likes of Farakan, Jackson, Obama, Alinsky, et. Al. making a living fomenting racism it’s no wonder we “experience ongoing racism”

    “In the immortal words of Obama’s political mentor, Saul Alinsky, an organizer’s job is to “rub raw the sores of discontent” and mount a socialist revolution. In the 1930s and 40s, Alinsky called his revolutionary forces “People’s Organizations,” but once the word “people” became so tainted by the brutalities of communist “people’s republics,” he changed the code word to “community,” hoping to make it sound more American and neighborly.”

    “Agitate and aggravate. Those are the responsibilities of the paid “community organizer.”

    “Prepare the people for the trials of the revolution. The people, according to Alinsky, “must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future” of change, change, change.”


  • demablogue says:

    I am right with you, Cassy. This ridiculous notion that anything white people do is counterintuitive to the racial progression of our nation.

    I’ve said things that offend people of all races, I’m sure. If it’s ever pointed out to me, I attemt to learn the perspective of that person. I usually then tell them to quit whining. (because I’m irreverent I guess)

    The reality is that my “POC” friends outnumber my honkey friends by a good number. did I seek them out specifically? No. Do I keep a tally of what race my acquaintences are? No.

    The problem is that people my age (18-35 demographic…yes, you ARE a number) have been taught for so long that race doesn’t matter. Guess what? It worked! Most people I know don’t see race until some ignorant moron brings it up. Usually, that person is looking constantly for racists in their lives. I would wager that if someone listened in on the conversations I have with my friends, they would be appalled at the amount of racist comments made.

    some examples: Did God neglect to give your people rhythm?
    Sunscreen? Is that something your people need?

    These are paraphrases, mostly based on the fact that I dance like a broken Volvo, and become lobsterlike after more than 30 minutes outside during the summer.

    Anyway, they(liberals, not the other “they,” you friggin racist) can keep up this ridiculous argument as long as they want…because it’s hurting them. I have a little more on how this impacts their game here:



    PS Love to read your stuff Cassy!

  • Angel H. says:

    With 30-40 years of the likes of Farakan, Jackson, Obama, Alinsky, et. Al. making a living fomenting racism it’s no wonder we “experience ongoing racism”

    I know that post wasn’t addressed to me but, after you published a quote that blamed Black people for racism, I couldn’t take anything else seriously. Sorry.

  • andycanuck says:

    Thanks, Angel. You did end up answering my question. Bye.

  • Joe says:

    The Democratic is the party of slave owners, Jim Crow, KKK, etc. MLK was a Republican, Bull Connor a Democrat. Democrats produced “Separate but Equal”, Republicans “Brown vs. the Board of Education”. Todays Democratic party is the fruit of Soviet-era Anti-American propoganda, bent on destroying America from within by nurturing animus and hatred along racial and religious lines. Finally, the stories of American Indian populations being poisoned by “smallpox infected blankets” is patently false. It never happened, at least not intentionally. Native Americans were susceptible to illnesses that European-Americans had immunities to, because they had never been exposed to these diseases. As far as some kind of germ warfare being carried out to eliminate Indians, that’s just leftist Anti-American propoganda. Think about it: How were these contaminated blankets produced and conveyed to the Indians, by guys in haz-mat suits?

  • Jim says:

    Angel, you need to get over yourself. The thing that’s “keeping you down” is not “THE MAN” but your own atitude.

  • Angel H. says:

    The Democratic is the party of slave owners, Jim Crow, KKK, etc. MLK was a Republican, Bull Connor a Democrat. Democrats produced “Separate but Equal”, Republicans “Brown vs. the Board of Education”.

    I’ll have to more research on the “Republicans ‘Brown vs. Board of Education'”, but as for the rest of it, what’s your point?

    Todays Democratic party is the fruit of Soviet-era Anti-American propoganda, bent on destroying America from within by nurturing animus and hatred along racial and religious lines.

    And people call ME paranoid!

    Finally, the stories of American Indian populations being poisoned by “smallpox infected blankets” is patently false. It never happened, at least not intentionally. Native Americans were susceptible to illnesses that European-Americans had immunities to, because they had never been exposed to these diseases.

    Surprisingly, this makes sense. I’ll have to research some more.

  • Angel H. says:

    Angel, you need to get over yourself. The thing that’s “keeping you down” is not “THE MAN” but your own atitude.

    Wow. Dismissive much? And who even uses the term “The Man” anymore?

    Don’t reflect your preconceived notions about liberals onto me.

  • Angel H. says:

    ^^^Oops. “Reflect” should be “project”.

  • smg45acp says:

    NPR had a piece about race and politics this week. They had a group discussion with a group half black and the other half white.
    After all was said and done it broke down that the blacks were all voting for Obama and most of the whites were voting for McCain.
    It was strongly suggested that the whites would not vote for Obama simple because he was black.
    But NEVER was it suggested that the blacks were being just as racist by voting for Obama simply because he was black.

    The MSM just continues the myth that only whites can be racists.

    Adding to the comments of one of the previous posters:
    I worked at a place with several Oriental groups. We could not put the Vietnamese and the Cambodians in the same group. They would not talk to each other at all or acknowledge the other’s existence.
    Hatred is much more than race.

  • JsinGood says:

    “White woman denies privilege, how fucking original…”

    Your anti-white racism is hardly very original either.

  • Gredd says:

    I like that you stick around, Angel H. I disagree with you but I’m glad you don’t throw out one post, pissing and moaning, and then flee into the void.

  • “When is the last time a white person hunted down some poor, defenseless Native American tribe and infected them with smallpox? 150 years ago?”

    This is a myth perpetrated by movies and bad history books. Of COURSE Natives became infected with a disease that the Europeans had built immunities to. But there were no directed attempts to massacre Indians with disease. I believe that there were one or two instances of blankets being DONATED (in an attempt to be KIND) to native tribes and that those may have been infected.

    I refuse to claim “native american” on any application, even though I am a card carrying member. Because I refuse to be promoted or hired or given a scholarship because of an accident of birth. My ancestry has nothing to do with what I can accomplish today.

    Angel, the fact that racism exists today does not mean that it is the biggest obstacle to success. I find that people who “think” like victims do not get very far ahead today.

    Not only that, but this country was not built on imperialism or racism. This country got RID of slavery. There is STILL slavery – horrid slavery – in other countries of the world. And there are eve *gasp* WHITE slaves! Slaves of every color. Instead of moaning about slavery that occurred in this country 150 years ago how about working to stop ACTUAL slavery of today.

  • DrEvil says:

    Human beings were ingnorant of germs and the manner in which infection were transmitted at the time of the supposed germ-warfare conducted against native peoples. Do you honestly think that whites would have handled, transported, folded, stacked and distributed the blankets if they knew they were infected? This is a myth that has been perpetuated by the anti-white, anti-American leftists for decades.

    Have an eveil day

  • Angel H. says:

    Angel, the fact that racism exists today does not mean that it is the biggest obstacle to success.

    I have never said that the “biggest obstacle to success” was racism. It is definitely an obstacle, but it would be ridiculous and frankly, demeaning of me to discount the obstacles faced by those due to religious beliefs, disabilities, class, gender, or sexual orientation. Racism doesn’t trump all. However, it is a different form of oppression than, say, sexism. Being discriminated against because of one’s race isn’t worse than being discriminated against because of one’s gender (or for any other reason). Please keep in mind, though, that oppressions do intersect. [Example: being a Black woman (racism/sexism), being a homosexual Pagan (Sexual orientation/religious)]

    Not only that, but this country was not built on imperialism or racism.

    Yes, it was. The first explorers claimed the rights to land already claimed by the Native Americans because they believe they believed them to be “savage”, “uneducated”, “heathens”. In order to establish a colony, the Europeans used the natives as slave labor. However, when they began to die out due to germs brought over by the Europeans, the colonists decided to use African slaves instead, who had already built an immunity to such illnesses.

    There is STILL slavery – horrid slavery – in other countries of the world. And there are eve *gasp* WHITE slaves! Slaves of every color. Instead of moaning about slavery that occurred in this country 150 years ago how about working to stop ACTUAL slavery of today.

    What makes you think that I’m not?

  • Angel H. says:

    Gredd, I do appreciate that. Thank you.

    I have to be honest, I was hesitant to post my opinions. But I feel as though there’s an actual discussion going on, and I believe that, for the most part, I’ve been treated with respect in this space.

  • Cas says:

    I don’t much agree with you either, Angel, but I love the debate you guys are having. I love seeing that people can actually express differing opinions without resorting to nasty attacks and insults… gives me hope for the world. 😉

    I hope you keep reading here. And please keep commenting. I welcome all opinions and comments, as long as you can be respectful.

  • JW M says:

    Angel H
    This country was built on the foundation of the most efficient group of people wins. That is why the Native Americans lost out (those that didn’t assimilate), look at any place where there are nomadic tribes and settled groups (merchants and farmers). In a generation the merchants will be far in the lead, the farmers will have progressed but not as much and the nomads will be as their grandfathers were.

    If you want to get ahead you have to take part and make yourself marketable – if the boss can hire a hundred others to do the your job it won’t pay well, but if you have are one of a few and are good at what you do there is a future. That future may well be in an entirely different direction than where you started but if you don’t limit your self, the way up limited only by your ambition.

  • RA says:

    This is just another attempt at justifying anti-white racism. We saw it in Obama’s racist black church. We see it in the policies of the Democratic party. In fact anyone who complains about verifiable anti-white racism is called a racist by these bigotts.

    Its time to put these bigotts out of political office. Arrest and punish anti-white racists now. Its time to level the playing field. If people of color reject education and moral living then let them pay the consequences. Corrupt world views bring about bad consequences.

  • Gary Baker says:

    The first explorers claimed the rights to land already claimed by the Native Americans because they believe they believed them to be “savage”, “uneducated”, “heathens”.


    Very likely. Just as likely that the natives claimed the land and defended it against other native incursions. I’m not defending the process mind you, but you seem to be taking the position that Europeans were the only ones who employed warlike methods.

    I have heard the term “white privilege” mentioned a great deal in the past, yet I never seem to get a concrete example of exactly what it entails. Could you give me some concrete examples? Saying something like “the fact that you have to ask proves you experience it” is both argumentative and unhelpful, rather along the same lines of “So, have you stopped beating your wife?” To the best of my knowledge, I have worked for what I have gotten and enjoyed the fruits thereof. You have stated up above that you are not here to teach, but if you are unwilling to back up assertions made then there is really little to be gained, wouldn’t you agree?

    I also reject that African Americans are still suffering from slavery. Too many counterexamples. From what I can see, black culture is suffering from high rates of infidelity, lack of father participation, low expectations for males, and peer pressure against pursuing success as “acting white.” (See political cartoons regarding Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, etc.) If you build up a culture that discourages hard work and success, respect for responsibilities and achievement, well…that doesn’t leave much room for advancement. In the same way that Jamaican immigrants do well, so does every group, native or immigrant, that pursues excellence. Groups that pursue anger, reparations, or government instituted privilege achieve very little.

  • NB says:

    Good post Ms. Fiano. I for one will never apologize for being white mostly because I didn’t choose to be white and if you want to make assumptions about what I think about other people, how I behave, what my reactions to certain political views must be, etc based solely on my whiteness guess what that makes you…

    As an aside, I think it’s funny that there are so many comments up here referencing slavery. Do any of these people understand that slavery was going strong for about 1000 years before white Europeans came along and persisted for about a century after Europeans abolished it or that the practice was started by black Muslims subjugating, trading and selling black non-Muslims? Or that white Europeans were the first group of people to question the morality of the practice and were solely responsible for it’s end not only in their own culture but world wide? Or the fact that the only cultures that still adhere to slavery are non-white? Funny that people want to talk about history but are largely ignorant of the full history concerning the topic they blather on about. And just so I don’t repeat the mistakes of the moonbat who wrote the article you reference, here’s some actual sources:




  • Angel H. says:

    Angel H
    This country was built on the foundation of the most efficient group of people wins. That is why the Native Americans lost out (those that didn’t assimilate), look at any place where there are nomadic tribes and settled groups (merchants and farmers). In a generation the merchants will be far in the lead, the farmers will have progressed but not as much and the nomads will be as their grandfathers were.

    JW M,

    I do see what your saying and agree with you up to a point. One thing that doesn’t sit right me, however, is the idea of assimilation. Assimilation to what and by who’s standards? In our society, that has and continues to be by “white” standards.

    You have stated up above that you are not here to teach, but if you are unwilling to back up assertions made then there is really little to be gained, wouldn’t you agree?

    Gary, here’s the thing:
    I’ve grown up hearing stories from my parents about the Civil Rights movement. I’ve also experienced racism (and sexism) first-hand. For me, and many other Black people, it’s such a clearly understood thing – that there are those who will discriminate simply because we were born with darker skin; that there are those who smile to our face and then say or do something so remarkably insensitive and stupid, but attempt to redeem themselves by saying “I can’t be racist; I have a black friend”; that there are times when we work our asses off, yet people doubt our skills and expertise because of “quotas” – that it’s really frustrating when someone who’s never experienced racism tells me “prove it”. I know I’m sounding crazy, but hear but me out…

    I can’t prove that the clerks and store detectives are following me and not the white woman with the shopping bags are racist. I can only tell you how it makes me feel when all of my black friends have had the same experience, but none of my white friends have.

    I can’t prove to you that the cashier who rang up my father’s purchase, then asked for two forms of ID and a manager’s approval before she even tried using his credit card was racist. I can tell you that my father (retired Air Force MSgt) was dressed in a suit and tie and has never had a blemish on his credit report, let alone a denial of service.

    I can’t prove to you that there have been times I’ve entered an “all-white” space and felt extremely unwelcome.

    What I can do is tell you my experiences from my own unique perspective and hope that you will respect me enough to try and l look at my situation objectively. Even if it does offend you.

    I can also tell you that if you are genuinely interested in learning about current state of race relations, then all you have to do is look around you. Look towards your coworkers, neighbors, church members, the internet, the library. There are volumes upon volumes of information if only you’re willing to look for it.

    Racism is a reality for me. Be thankful that you only have to read about it.

    I also reject that African Americans are still suffering from slavery. Too many counterexamples. From what I can see, black culture is suffering from high rates of infidelity, lack of father participation, low expectations for males, and peer pressure against pursuing success as “acting white.” (See political cartoons regarding Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, etc.) If you build up a culture that discourages hard work and success, respect for responsibilities and achievement, well…that doesn’t leave much room for advancement.


    I will agree that the statistics are, well, frightening. But that’s all they are – statistics. Tools that let us know what’s going on in the world. Now one should look beyond those numbers and figure our the “why”.

    Let me tell you a little about myself: I was born two years after my parents married; I’m their first child. After I was born, my mother worked part-time as a data-entry clerk at a department store, and my father worked two jobs. I stayed with my grandmother during the day. After my dad was laid off from his job as a shipbuilder, he decided to enlist in the Air Force. My mother supported him, and after he finished Basic, we all moved to our first base where my younger sister was born. My parents were married for 26 years before she died of cancer. During that time, they have both supported me and my sister in all of endeavors. They were there for our recitals, field trips, and every PTA meeting. They encouraged our good work in school and in the community. (My dad would sometimes frown when I brought home anything lower than a A!) I also have to admit I was spoiled rotten. (My dad would argue that I still am!) Now, my sister has a prestigious position at a research hospital and is married to a loving husband who is building up his new record label. I’m studying art while I’m earning my living working for the state (in a not-so prestigious position!). I grew up in a family that loves one another, cherishes the time we spend together, and are supportive of one another. And please don’t tell me that we’re the exception to the rule. There are thousands of “exceptions” that would tell you differently!

    Also, have you ever really thought about what “acting white” means and what it means to those of who aren’t white?



    Did you really think I was going to click on a link from “Jihad Watch”?

  • Angel H. says:


    Thank you so much for your invitation! I do plan on reading some more of your posts and checking back here regularly. I really enjoyed the conversation that’s going on. It, too, gives me hope for that world!

  • Gary Baker says:


    I very much appreciate your opening up to me on the basis of one person to another. I believe this is essential, and I am greatly dismayed at how many people seem interested in only one group against another. I will certainly try to respond in kind.

    “What I can do is tell you my experiences from my own unique perspective and hope that you will respect me enough to try and l look at my situation objectively.”

    Not possible. Not because I don’t want to, but because, as you pretty much describe in your examples, all of feelings that your experiences generate are subjective. They are your responses to a particular situation. Based on the experiences I have had, I would also be willing to bet that while a percentage were due to actual prejudice or suspicion, it is at least possible that some were due to your perception.

    We experience similar problems from different sides of the coin. In the same way that you say that you experience racism that you cannot prove, I have been called racist with no means of disproving it. If I say I am racist, then I admit guilt. If I deny it, I am not believed by those who insist on seeing it. Without some means of verifying such things on an objective, verifiable basis, all we end up doing is antagonizing each other. From that standpoint, I see nothing valuable to be gained by trying to convince people of “white privilege” or “subconscious racism.” On an individual basis, it can seldom be verified, which leaves it as a general accusation.

    Now, while I can’t claim to have understanding of continuing racism applied to myself, I have some experience with prejudice. In more recent years, I have been insulted and my words ignored in numerous discussions because I was “racist.” If I disagreed in a discussion that had a racial component, often my opponent would label me, and from there on out they felt they needed to say nothing at all to reply to the substance of my argument. I was a racist and therefore deserved no reply. If that is not prejudice or bigotry, I am hard pressed on how to define it.

    Here’s something that I believe and will never surrender: Truth is truth, and it stands alone. If the ghost of Adolf Hitler walked through my wall right now and said “Killing in cold blood was evil,” he would be right. A statement of truth is not diminished based on who is saying it. To me, all of the time spent attempting to discredit a particular speaker is nothing but an unworthy diversion. The person’s character or lack thereof does not affect the validity of the argument. Until both sides stop calling names, and start working through the issues, I do not believe that there will be progress on these issues.

    As for my comments on black culture, my take is not based so much on the media as it is on history and trends that are very scary. Before racial politics became the main form of address, black culture was undergoing rapid improvement. Literacy was going up. Education was improving. Dr. King and his followers had fostered an environment that stressed the worth of the individual and a desire to strive and achieve. Once the shift changed, once the message became “they owe us,” things started to reverse in literacy, education, family life, and so on. Another reason why I believe that culture is a much more powerful influence than the lingering results of slavery is that performance of African Americans is so uneven by gender. If it was due to a general effect, men and women would be doing equally bad or roughly so. That is not occurring. African American males are doing much worse. Between the welfare movement, which encouraged abandonment, and the feminist movement, which painted them as unneccessary, African American men are checking out to a huge extent. Compared to the awful consequences created by this situation, I cannot really consider lingering results of slavery or unconscious racism as major players. I grew up myself in a home with abuse, violence, alcoholism, and eventual dissolution. By the encouragement of my mother, and the strength given of Christ, I survived and later thrived. Absent either of those, the results would have been much different.

  • Have a look at what I wrote the other day, folks. It’s about being raised in a racist home. Comments welcome. (No white-supermacist or white-apologist bullshit please.)

    Brute heart of a brute like you

  • Juan says:

    Wow, this post [and some of the comments] are practically bullshitin me. So much bingo playin to be had. The moment you say something or call people on their shit ‘those people*’ just suddenly become shit-for-brains.

    A great game of bingo is to had here.


  • NB says:

    Angel H,

    “Did you really think I was going to click on a link from “Jihad Watch”?”

    What an odd question. I mean, do you think it’s a site that promotes racism against middle eastern peoples? Against Muslims? Against anyone. You don’t have to answer as it’s probably off topic anyway but I really am confused as to why you’d avoid factual information. One post said “Instead of moaning about slavery that occurred in this country 150 years ago how about working to stop ACTUAL slavery of today.” to which you replied “what makes you think I’m not”. Considering your own activities and the work you’re doing to end such things I would think information like this would interest you, for instance, an excerpt from the jihad watch article:

    “Even though, under Western pressure, slavery has been officially abolished in Muslim countries (which cannot permanently reject slavery, as it is recognized in Islam) the blacks of sub-Saharan Africa are, whenever they come into contact with Arab or even local Muslims, still being exploited, massacred (as the Biafrans) or sold into slavery (as in the Sudan).”

    The deeper and more on topic point I’m trying to make is that perhaps your view of sexism and racism is over stimulated. I would not for a second try to minimize anything you have seen and experienced I’m only pointing out that if a person constantly consumes the kind of rhetoric espoused in the “feministe” article which this blog references while avoiding sources that may offer a counter opinion, if I may be so bold, a balancing opinion, that person may end up with a heightened perception of sexism/racism. I mean if I spent all my time reading articles that said everyone hates me I could see that I would be more likely to interpret benign activities as hate. Again, I’m not trying to say sexism/racism don’t exist, it’s simply been my experience that some individuals are so accustomed to looking for it that they find it even where it does not exist. Case in point, the term “black hole” being labeled racist:


  • NB says:

    Angel H

    As an aside, a humble thanks to your father for his service in the Air Force.

  • Scottie says:

    I have to wonder how many conservatives would have been treated as well at the Kos or HuffPo as Angel was here? How many white people would be received as well as Angel was here over at Rev. Wright’s church? It is the civility of the argument one finds at conservative sites that tells the tale in the end.

    Angel, I encourage you to continue your dialog with those that disagree with you. You will find you are a most welcome addition to the conversation among conservatives. Just promise to devote as much thought to the responses you receive as the people that crafted them did in listening and responding to you.

  • Jim B says:

    I, for one, cannot take seriously anyone who uses the phrase “white privilege.” It’s used solely as an excuse to explain why a white person succeeded in doing something that a person of differing ethnicity has not chosen to attempt.

    It’s a patently racist term because it denies to every white person the credit for any achievement in their life. It is always answered with the answer that it was because of “white privilege” no matter what the actual comparative circumstances are. If you want to be taken seriously, drop the racism first.

    It’s no better than Obama’s “typical white person” slander and displays the exact sort of stereotyping that Dr. King spoke out against over 40 years ago. It’s a shame that the people he was fighting on behalf of still think he was only talking to white people but not to them. If you want to be judged solely on the basis of your character and not on the basis of your skin color, you need to start by doing it yourself.

    When you can see that your entire worldview is based on a racist assumption and are willing to make the necessary changes, then we can talk about where we, as a society, go from here. But your use of the term “white privilege” shows that you’re not truly ready to have that conversation yet….

  • WayneB says:

    “One thing that doesn’t sit right me, however, is the idea of assimilation. Assimilation to what and by who’s standards? In our society, that has and continues to be by “white” standards.”

    While I can see that, since blacks were brought to this country mostly against their will, there would be some lingering discontent, the fact of the matter is that there is a majority culture in this country (for now), and assimilation into the majority culture is better for the country as a whole, and for those who currently have a different culture, than trying to reject it. In fact, one of the most common complaints about illegal immigrants is lack of assimilation and the frictions that causes. When previous waves of immigrants came to America, they gave up their cultural identity for the most part and assimilated into the American culture. Of course, many still have some remnants of Old World culture, often displayed in festivals as a celebration of their heritage, but their main culture is now American.

    Is it a “White” culture? If you define it as such because the majority of those in this country are white, then yes, it is. I don’t see why that has to cause problems, though. The so-called “white culture” that was based on making your place in the world by hard work, honest dealing, planning for the future, and living a moral life. If you are referring to some other “white standards,” please let us know, because I frankly don’t understand why these attributes are not just as good for White, Black, Asian, Indian, or Male or Female.

    “…that there are times when we work our asses off, yet people doubt our skills and expertise because of “quotas”…”

    You asked above what “racism of low expectations,” is. Well, there you have it in a nutshell. Incidentally, even though that shows the essence of the meaning of the term, just working your ass off doesn’t necessarily equate to advancing in your job. I’ve had jobs where I worked my ass off and excelled, and some suck-up got the advancement I was after, so it’s not always about someone feeling your color has to do with where you are and not your skill. This can go back to what Gary Baker said about perception – what you believe to be the reason for something may not be the actual reason (By the way, in case you would point out that this may be the issue with me and the suck-up, I was the one he wound up coming to for help later).

    “Also, have you ever really thought about what “acting white” means and what it means to those of who aren’t white?”

    Since “Acting White” is an accusation intended to make the target feel that he has rejected his race, I’m going with – it’s a smear. And it is just an attempt to make the person making the accusation feel bigger by attacking someone who is successful. And what it means to those who aren’t white depends on which side of the accusation you stand on.

    I’ve seen “Acting White” defined in some cases as planning for the future, and being diligent, saving for retirement, etc. If people are going to denigrate such behavior, then it falls to reason that they intend to act the opposite. This is the type of behavior that reinforces the race rhetoric. “White America won’t let me get ahead because I don’t act white.” Well, if you won’t act in a fashion which encourages people to respect you and which helps you make your own life more fulfilling, why would you be surprised if you don’t get anywhere in life? Again, I don’t understand the point. Just labeling something as “White,” and therefore to be avoided, seems like sour grapes to me.

  • Gary Baker says:

    From my standpoint, assimilation has a very practical point: With the exception of those who were brought to this country against their will (and by that I mean “during their lifetime”, everyone who immigrates to the US has something in common. The cultures that they are leaving have failed to meet some need. Were that not the case, they would have stayed where they were. To come here and attempt to reproduce or hold onto a culture that cannot meet the needs of its people is not rational. It is understandable, as most people tend to cling to the familiar, but it is not rational. Say what you want about American culture, it has produced unparalleled prosperity for the people. I am certainly not arguing that it cannot be improved, but one should do so cautiously. Otherwise, we may begin to slow trudge down to being one of the nations that people are trying to leave in search of prosperity.

    With regards to treatment received on websites such as the daily Kos, I certainly hope we treat people better than that. I want to be the “good guys,” and there is a lot more to that than yelling at the “bad guys.” If we don’t maintain the principles of open discussion, we are no better than those we decry.

  • Mat says:


    To be honest, listening to the “poor me” stuff is quite tiresome, but hey, have at it.

    History is chock full of examples of a dominant culture winning out. Whether it’s fair or not, that’s just the way it is. The Native Americans had their shot, and they lost. It happens. If it makes you feel any better, we will probably be overrun by the Mexicans or possibly the Muslims (and on the world stage, the Chinese) and they will be the dominant culture(s). Right or wrong, it’s history…

    As for the infected blankets (smallpox) it was almost 250 years ago during the French and Indian War. General Bouquet (a BRITISH general) sent them out to a recalcitrant tribe. It wasn’t the first time biological warfare was used and it won’t be the last (the Mongols did it as early as the 1300’s in their Crimean campaign by launching diseased bodies over the walls of a port town, hence the development of the Black Plague in Europe).

  • Larry says:

    Let’s just turn it around.
    When have you ever heard this?

    “If you can’t get a job some white guy wouldn’t hire you. If you cannot get into the college you want, some white guy kept you out; or some “super smart” Asian who has no life but to study unfairly outworked you. Are you falsely reporting a hate crime? Of course blame the white man, everyone knows they’re all racists anyway… Despite all of the privileges that all Americans are able to marshal if the slightest problem occurs it is always the fault of whitey. We’re all equal until a black person feels disenfranchised.

    I’m far from privileged. My grandfather had a 6th grade education and retired as the VP of the largest retail chain in my state. It wasnt because he was white. It’s because he worked like a dog.

    This argument cuts both ways.
    Get over it.

  • I grew up in Austria and lived there for almost 30 years and I have to be honest, even though Austria and Europe have a history of racial discrimination in the worst sense (National Socialism), I felt that the race relations here in America are much more respectful than I often felt in my home country. I have not been to every place and I have not met everybody, but overall that is my impression.

    Yes it could be better, but from all sides. Everybody is looking for a scapegoat, no matter if you are black, white or Chinese, but overall I see people dealing with it in a very sensitive manner.

    That’s why there is a black person running for Presidents. I think this is a great compliment for America.

  • David S. says:


    In reply to: Not only that, but this country was not built on imperialism or racism.

    You said: Yes, it was. The first explorers claimed the rights to land already claimed by the Native Americans because they believe they believed them to be “savage”, “uneducated”, “heathens”. In order to establish a colony, the Europeans used the natives as slave labor. However, when they began to die out due to germs brought over by the Europeans, the colonists decided to use African slaves instead, who had already built an immunity to such illnesses.

    I say to you: The colonists never used Native Americans as slaves. Those people fought against colonial explorers with extreme ferocity once they realized their true intentions of dropping anchor and colonizing.

    Plus, the Native Americans on the East Coast were savage, uneducated heathens from the perspective of colonial era Euros. They had no knowledge of Christ, gunpowder, metalworking, etc. If I try to think like a 16th century explorer, a Native American wearing a loincloth and face paint that doesn’t speak my language or adhere to the same religion as me is a savage heathen. Don’t blame our forefathers for believing they had the right to this land. The only reason you’re able to sit at your computer tapping away is because of manifest destiny and colonialism.

    You use the term colonists broadly when talking about slavery, but only a small portion of colonists could actually afford slaves. They weren’t cheap to purchase. Liken slave owners to someone that can afford a maid or butler today. You had to have the wealth to acquire one. Slavery was a dark time in this country, and we spent 5 years and hundreds of thousands of lives to end it. Also, when you’re laying blame to colonial slave owners, blame the tribal leaders on the western coast of Africa as well. Instead of fighting British, Spanish, and Dutch colonization they capitulated to the enemy and bargained off their people in payment for their lives. Better to die than to live without freedom.

  • Miguel says:

    I’m a hispanic and I have to admit, I’m a bit racist.

    I don’t know a person who isn’t racist. I’m not saying racist as if they absolutely hate a person of a certain race. I’m saying that every single person makes judgments about someone as soon as they see them, based on their overall appearance and that includes race. Whether we like to admit it or not, every one of us is “racist”. We all have at least a small judgment about every other race.

    True racism is such a rarity now that I can’t understand why it’s even still brought up. I don’t know a single white person who’s actually racist. I may joke with people that I got pulled over for DWM(Driving While Mexican) but I know that 65 in a 45 is against the law and the officer was merely doing his job.

    There is nothing left to holding back minorities from achieving great things. The American Dream can be obtained by anyone.

  • lv4921391 says:

    Angel, Renee and other whiney peeps need to get some education:
    Read every day what Victor Davis Hanson, Thomas Sowell and Larry Elder have written. Go back into their archives and study. Gov Palin btw isn’t a victum, hasn’t used AA, family leave, abortion, and the multitude of “entitlement” programs the Democrats invented to protect us.

  • WayneB says:

    “The colonists never used Native Americans as slaves.”

    Actually, they did, though I don’t know that that has anything to do with anything going on today. Why do I say they did? Because it was in my family. Census data shows that my great-great grandfather had a female Indian as a slave in the early 1800s. In fact, my father and I are trying to find out if we’re descended from her, rather than his wife, because my grandfather always maintained that he was 1/4th Indian.

    I know that to some people, I have just invalidated all my comments on the matter, but somehow I don’t see what something that went on before my grandfather was born has to do with the way I see things.

  • Micah says:

    No one would ever claim to be racist. I’m sure you have done things in your time that others would construe as racist. It happens. It’s knowing what one’s privilege is and acting to peak out against racism that ends the cycle. And not all POCs or women use the victim card or are for its use. Taking responsibility is all good and fair, but until we can actually end the cycle there will still be people on the margins and the hate won’t stop.

  • Angela says:

    You must live on this planet if you get so riled up when someone says racism goes both ways. Get real, it does. If you dont want someone to get over racism, then what do you expect them to do? Punish white children who had nothing to do with slavery? It seems thats what goes on in the daycare center I work at and I dont like it.
    Maybe I should blame all black people for a robbery that took place by one of them. Oh, that’s racist. Yet its the same concept.
    Yes, some white peoople are prejudiced, as are most blacks and hispanics I know. White people are becoming the minority, and there is a black man in the white house, so when is the targeting of white people going to stop. If your against racism be against all racism.
    I am not privelaged, yet I am white. if I ever need a job to make ends meet, I would never be able to get one in time. If it were given to a minority with more money than me, than that would most definitly be discrimination. If you dont see that, you are naive. Of course some white people have connections , but I dont. Saying I do just because I am white is just a stereotype.
    Another thing, for all you white people who blindly defend all blacks and hispanics, whens the last time youv’e heard any of them apologizing for the racism by them? Never. When have you ever heard one of them apologizing for the ones who hate all whites and use excuses to collect welfare? Never. (Now I know some moron is going to misread what I wrote and say I said all Blacks and Hispanics make excuses and hate whites, watch this )I KNOW NOT ALL BLACKS AND HISPANICS ARE BAD. The point is, why dont they speak out against them, like so many whites speak out against ignorance in there own race.

    I live in new york, i’ve known more minorities than whites. I had more minority friends than whites. I know how it is.

    The main point of my writing is, racism goes both ways, and whites are becoming the minority. So unless we stop targeting white racist only, we will continue to see more and more racism on both parts. (whites and minorities)

  • Angela says:

    Angel H, You are a tool. Think for yourself.

  • Annie says:

    White automatically equals privilege? Have a look outside America sometime. There are plenty of deprived, impoverished white people in the world.

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