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On Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation to the Supreme Court:
Finally, a person of color on the SCOTUS that doesn’t suck. – Samhita from Feministing
So, as usual for a liberal, Samhita is celebrating not because a “person of color” was confirmed to the Supreme Court, but simply because it was a person of color whose views lined up with hers. And so it goes for liberals who preach about diversity. For them, diversity is only skin deep, and the only minorities that count are the ones who think the way that liberals deem appropriate. A black man can’t be conservative, just like a woman of any race can’t be pro-life. And that’s why, to liberals and feminists like Samhita, only certain minorities count. Sonia Sotomayor is not the first person of color to be nominated to the Supreme Court — Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, anyone? — but apparently, she’s the only one that matters because she “doesn’t suck”. Thinking that a minority serving as a Supreme Court justice is a good thing. Saying it’s only a good thing if they hold certain political views is not only wrong, it’s also racist.
After all, isn’t thinking that all minorities need to think the same way a pretty big slap in the face to those minorities? I think so. No one would ever say that all white men think the same, or all white women. Yet it’s perfectly acceptable to demand that all blacks or hispanics do. I don’t understand why more minorities don’t get angry at such institutional racism.
And finally, in this “post-racial” America — isn’t that what we were promised if Obama got elected? — when exactly are we going to stop worrying about the color of someone’s skin and start worrying about their character? I mean, really. I’m tired of it.
Cassy is on a roll. ALL the new articles are great. 🙂
Great post.
To add, though: Samhita thinks that Justice Thomas “sucks” not because he isn’t a good jurist, but because his very existence does a number on her grievance industry. When he points out that affirmative action hurt him, he’s taking away her only argument – the ad hominem attack that all conservatives are racist.
Nice work Cassy,
Sounds like Samhita’s drool cup needs emptying. Sonia Sotomayor is an intellectual lightweight in comparison to Clarence Thomas and I doubt she ever slept in a chair on a regular basis.
I have written on my blog about how the left loves to twist word meanings so they are not as offensive. Psychologically that speaks volumes in itself but even more amusing is the fact that they think people buy the charade.
Not Evolving,
Mark (
Great points, but you missed two things that are important to note:
One, if you read through the comment thread it is highly entertaining. Someone in the first two or three says the obvious — “Hey, what about Thurgood??” There follows a massive deification of Justice Marshall, and Samhita joins in, in an effort to backpedal without anybody noticing the backpedaling. It’s great because it completely ruins the point of her entire post…which is supposed to be that she’s been spending her life pining away, weeping, “Why oh why can’t we have a person of color on the Supreme Court who doesn’t suck???” And the entire thing is revealed to be nothing more than a last minute brain-fart from someone who doesn’t even know enough about U.S. history to have a decent one.
Two…and this would justify continued, diligent research, almost the creation of a whole new scientific discipline. Liberals do not simply dismiss people who fail to hold the correct views. Dismissal would imply a uniform level of contempt directed toward everyone who failed to comply. Meat-eating white males like me who stare (tastefully) at women in skimpy clothes and teach their sons to shoot guns and go camping — we are “dismissed.” Minorities like Clarence Thomas, or gals like you, are not truly dismissed because you’re treated with this white-hot fiery rage that white dudes like me will never, ever see. Like you said — “No one would ever say that all white men think the same…yet it’s perfectly acceptable to demand that all blacks or hispanics do.”
I believe Point Two is an architectural contradiction in the post-modern liberal movement, and one day it could be their undoing. Of course we all know what the requirement is — they need to pretend that “everyone” agrees with them, therefore whoever doesn’t, does not exist. But there is clearly a ranking system in place. You are hated more than I am; a conservative Hispanic is hated more than you are; a black conservative is hated more than a conservative Hispanic (I think). This is the kind of contradiction that is created when one goes through the motions of reading a unified prevailing societal mindset, when what one is really doing is modifying it.
Interesting comments, Morgan. Add to that the political rally, which is that the entire existence of the current Democrat coalition depends heavily on maintain women and minority groups as captive voting blocs. The Left’s attitude towards these groups is only one step removed from the slaveholder’s attitude towards his slaves; rather than the slaveholder casting his slaves’ votes himself, the Left simply directs their captives on how to vote and expects it to be done without question. This is the other reason that women or minorities who wander off the reservation infuriates the Left so — because if a revolt occurs, the Left really has no army and no weapons with which to put it down. Without these groups for cover, the Left’s core is exposed for what it is, a small and sad cadre of effete campus radicals, living their entire lives in an extended state of teenage rebellion. The public must not, ever, be permitted to see the Leftist behind the curtain, lest they see him for what he is — and laugh.
Jeez, can’t type this morning… “political reality” and “depends heavily on maintaining…” Sorry about that.
Now if only obama had appointed a black muslim amputee lesbian, who also happens to have read and understood (and approves of) the constitution then everyone would be happy.
Liberals would get their politically correct candidate (as long as obama appoints her everything is kosher)
Conservatives are happy because the constitution would be upheld.
I think you’re reading a bit into this. It seems like she was just simply saying she admired Sonia but the way she said it wasn’t taken the way she probably meant it. I really don’t know but I think jumping to conclusions isn’t well.
And I don’t know about white liberals but people of color, mainly black and hispanic liberals we usually joke about black conservatives (more like Republicans) but I’m pretty sure a good deal of us still really can care less which side another person of color is on. Samhita definitely doesn’t represent all liberals. I actually find it offensive that you lump all liberals together.
I’m a liberal by default (if I could choose I would just be me but people put you in a category whether you like it or not but since I mostly agree on the liberal side that’s where I go) and I can care less about political views with other people, I only care for my opinion. If a black person is conservative I may not fully agree with them but I don’t dislike them or think they’re wrong because that’s what they think (because they’re free to think that way). To me by the end of the day me and that person both know what it’s like to be a minority and by the end of the day we are both in the same category as far as society sees it so to me I’ll always hold that respect to that person no matter what political view they stand on.
I don’t know if it’s a stretch to say Samhita’s comment is racist because personally I’m a woman of color and I’m not offended by the comment (I’ve heard way worse racial slurs towards me and my friends or towards anyone for that matter) but I think it can easily be spinned in any way as you have proved.
Also as much as I wish we lived in a post-racial America and where people didn’t care about race, that’s not going to happen because we all see color no matter what. The only problem is people are going to make a big deal out of race and people are always going to say racially offensive comments and have racial thoughts whether their good or bad. It’s like homophobia, sexism, and hate in general, it’ll never go away. We just need to keep fighting so we could at least minimize it.
“I think you’re reading a bit into this. It seems like she was just simply saying she admired Sonia but the way she said it wasn’t taken the way she probably meant it. I really don’t know but I think jumping to conclusions isn’t well.”
I know, because you can interpret Samhita’s comment a huge number of different ways. And if you really believe that, I’ve got bridges to sell you. Personally, I think Cassy’s spot on with her observations.
“And I don’t know about white liberals but people of color, mainly black and hispanic liberals we usually joke about black conservatives (more like Republicans) but I’m pretty sure a good deal of us still really can care less which side another person of color is on.”
Well, obviously you do care or you wouldn’t have felt it so important to post here and make the comments you did (or crack jokes about the opposition). So is it important or not?
“Samhita definitely doesn’t represent all liberals. I actually find it offensive that you lump all liberals together.”
Again, you just said a couple of sentences ago that you all make jokes about conservative minorities, so I think it’s a pretty good bet that she is an excellent representation of what you guys stand for.
“I’m a liberal by default (if I could choose I would just be me but people put you in a category whether you like it or not but since I mostly agree on the liberal side that’s where I go) and I can care less about political views with other people, I only care for my opinion.”
Horseshit, plain and simple. You CHOSE to become liberal. If your opinions match those of liberals, then you are liberal. Saying that it’s by default implies that you had no choice whatsoever in your decisionmaking. Again, if you’re making jokes about conservative minorities, then you obviously do care how they think politically.
“If a black person is conservative I may not fully agree with them but I don’t dislike them or think they’re wrong because that’s what they think (because they’re free to think that way).”
But it’s apparently ok to joke about their views. BTW, up to this point in your post, you’re pretty much lying through your teeth.
“To me by the end of the day me and that person both know what it’s like to be a minority and by the end of the day we are both in the same category as far as society sees it so to me I’ll always hold that respect to that person no matter what political view they stand on.”
Hey, that’s the spirit! Feel sorry for yourself! That’ll help things along immensely! Someday, you’ll have to have to own up for your personal problems. Maybe that’s why I don’t feel like hanging around most minorities: because I don’t want to get the guilt trip laid on me for something that happened long before my time. But us “whiteys” are all racists, so it’s all good, right?
“I don’t know if it’s a stretch to say Samhita’s comment is racist because personally I’m a woman of color and I’m not offended by the comment (I’ve heard way worse racial slurs towards me and my friends or towards anyone for that matter) but I think it can easily be spinned in any way as you have proved.”
Ah, but since she was a good liberal and a feminist to boot, she gets a free pass, right? Of course, you just HAD to come to this site and berate Cassy (a conservative woman) for her views, so something about all this offended you. But the point is that racial slurs shouldn’t be uttered under any circumstances. I’m still trying to see how Samhita’s comment could have been spun. It’s seems pretty straightfoward to me. It’s obvious that it’s targeted towards Justice Thomas (because he’s such a “sellout”).
“Also as much as I wish we lived in a post-racial America and where people didn’t care about race, that’s not going to happen because we all see color no matter what.”
Maybe, maybe not. You can see color and then you can SEE color. If minorities persist on making an issue out of it, then yes, we’ll see the whole spectrum of the rainbow.
The only problem is people are going to make a big deal out of race and people are always going to say racially offensive comments and have racial thoughts whether their good or bad.”
The people I generally making a big deal out of all this are liberals/minorities. The rest of us are too busy with our lives to worry about it. However, by all means, keep pushing it.
“It’s like homophobia, sexism, and hate in general, it’ll never go away. We just need to keep fighting so we could at least minimize it.”
Probably not and this is essentially the only part of this entire post where you make a valid point. However, I think the distinction is that while I do believe in minimizing the hatred, I don’t like that fact that us “whiteys” have to keep our traps shut while everyone else can make every offensive comment under the sun and not get punished. That’s not equality, that’s just turning the tables, which I believe that’s what the liberals want. It’s not profitable for them to create a truly post-racial society. That doesn’t generate social division and it certainly doesn’t generate votes. Keeping everyone divided gives all sorts of benefits to liberals. Perhaps you should look into your ideology if you want to answer some of your more pressing questions.
Samhita is Samhita before she is a liberal. She simply has her facts wrong. Obviously Thurgood Marshall was black and mostly liberal. And, yes, there are a good many liberals who think minorities should only be liberals. However, she is not incorrect in being critical of Justice Thomas. He is not the best justice there. Scalia and Roberts are much smarter and better qualified.
So I’m guessing Samhita just has no historical perspective.
I think Martin L. King must be spinning in his grave right now. Not that he’s probably ever stopped revolving. If you’d wired up a generator to his coffin then you’d probably have enough energy to power the eastern seaboard.
We have different race issues here in the UK, but they follow the same general pattern – people assume that Labour supporters (or anyone else on the left) are more sympathetic of minorities than the right are. And anyone who’s a member of a minority, such as Trevor Phillips who speaks out about ‘multiculturism’ is somehow betraying the cause.
As someone who’s in the conservative camp but who’s pretty libertarian leaning and who was married to a half-asian woman and is now engaged to be married to someone who’s part Cherokee, I NEVER expected nearly every other person I know personally to ask me if I voted for the BNP in the Euro elections.
I shouldn’t have been surprised, really. If you identify as being right-wing and believe in such exotic things as the right to bear arms (it’s exotic and old-fashioned over here, anyway), then you clearly must be a nut who enjoys dressing up in white sheets and who would like everyone named ‘Singh’ to go back home.
Well actually, I’m totally in favour of people named ‘Singh’ going back home. In fact, some of them live just a few streets away from me. I get home safely at night and I hope that they always do, too.
But then they’re brown and so I must, by default (because I’m a right-winger), really hate them. And if they don’t hate me in return, then they must be betraying their race, or something.
It’s hard sometimes, being a White Christian Oppressor. All I ever want to do is to say hello or to buy a pint of milk from my local shop. They’re OK with that, but apparently (according to the left), I should be reminding them all the time that because people vaguely related to me who died a long time ago might have oppressed people who were vaguely related to them, I should be apologising the time. How about if we just let the dead be dead and face whatever God they believed in, learn our own lessons from history and our mistakes, and then keep on treating each other as most of us try to do these days, as fellow human beings?
Is that too much to ask?
“I know, because you can interpret Samhita’s comment a huge number of different ways. And if you really believe that, I’ve got bridges to sell you. Personally, I think Cassy’s spot on with her observations.”
I just think it can mean something else. I’m not going to base an opinion off of one comment.
“Well, obviously you do care or you wouldn’t have felt it so important to post here and make the comments you did (or crack jokes about the opposition). So is it important or not?”
First off I crack jokes about everybody, black conservatives are one of them because I don’t know about you but meeting a black conservative as rare. I make fun of white liberals, crazy feminists (and I actually support some of feminism), I make fun of stereotypes, I make fun of everything, there’s nothing wrong with that. And I posted here because I do not agree with everything Casey posts but I do think she makes her points clear, I admire that.
“Horseshit, plain and simple. You CHOSE to become liberal. If your opinions match those of liberals, then you are liberal. Saying that it’s by default implies that you had no choice whatsoever in your decisionmaking. Again, if you’re making jokes about conservative minorities, then you obviously do care how they think politically.”
I think you care more about my views more than I care about yours. I said default because I refuse to put myself in a category. You don’t know me and I pretty much refuse labels. I only say liberal by default because I had to choose a side it would be liberal. There’s reasons why. And again I crack jokes about everybody and everything that can be taboo in our society. I think you need to take a pill or something and calm down. You can’t say you don’t joke about things.
“Hey, that’s the spirit! Feel sorry for yourself! That’ll help things along immensely! Someday, you’ll have to have to own up for your personal problems. Maybe that’s why I don’t feel like hanging around most minorities: because I don’t want to get the guilt trip laid on me for something that happened long before my time. But us “whiteys” are all racists, so it’s all good, right?”
First off I don’t feel sorry for myself. You don’t know me and I don’t walk around blaming the white man for my problems. I blame racism and the fact that you don’t know me, you wouldn’t that I’m not fully black. I’m pretty much a mulatto anyways. And I do own up to all my personal problems and move on, how are you going to act like you know me? And if you don’t hang out with blacks cool, I really don’t care who you hang with but I have white friends (considering I go to a mostly white school) and I definitely don’t guilt trip them, why would I guilt trip friends are strangers. I think you’re being more racial than I am because I never said whitey’s are all racist to begin with. It seems you already guilt tripped yourself. What I meant by we both know what it’s like to be black that means we both have had the same black history, we both probably have endured the same racism and we both have came from the same historical past. Way to make it more than what I said.
“Ah, but since she was a good liberal and a feminist to boot, she gets a free pass, right? Of course, you just HAD to come to this site and berate Cassy (a conservative woman) for her views, so something about all this offended you. But the point is that racial slurs shouldn’t be uttered under any circumstances. I’m still trying to see how Samhita’s comment could have been spun. It’s seems pretty straightfoward to me. It’s obvious that it’s targeted towards Justice Thomas (because he’s such a “sellout”).”
I know Samhita’s a feminist but I don’t know for sure if she’s a liberal she gets no pass with me. I just simply didn’t care too much about her comment. I’m saying Samhita could have been saying this is the first person of color in office that she’s liked personally and she’s entitled to that. I’m not saying Casey is wrong about her opinion I just think that one comment doesn’t prove much to me. And I didn’t come here to insult Casey or anything and if you saw it that way I apologize to you and Casey, more to Casey because I kind of think you were looking to fight someone.
“Maybe, maybe not. You can see color and then you can SEE color. If minorities persist on making an issue out of it, then yes, we’ll see the whole spectrum of the rainbow.”
I just love how you keep lumping all minorities in one category like you know how every minority thinks. And why wouldn’t some minorities make an issue out of it? The racism is still there. If you didn’t know people still get lynched in the south so obviously it’s still there.
“The people I generally making a big deal out of all this are liberals/minorities. The rest of us are too busy with our lives to worry about it. However, by all means, keep pushing it.”
I’m busy with my life as well but that doesn’t mean I don’t see what others do. I personally don’t make a big deal out of race that much but I’m smart enough to see how people treat me for being black/white and it obviously still matters to people so excuse me for not being able to ignore it when it’s always in my face.
“Probably not and this is essentially the only part of this entire post where you make a valid point. However, I think the distinction is that while I do believe in minimizing the hatred, I don’t like that fact that us “whiteys” have to keep our traps shut while everyone else can make every offensive comment under the sun and not get punished. That’s not equality, that’s just turning the tables, which I believe that’s what the liberals want. It’s not profitable for them to create a truly post-racial society. That doesn’t generate social division and it certainly doesn’t generate votes. Keeping everyone divided gives all sorts of benefits to liberals. Perhaps you should look into your ideology if you want to answer some of your more pressing questions.”
I never said whites have to keep their mouths shut. Like I said I’m a half “whitey” as you put it and I wants whites discussed with race just as much as everyone else because I know whites endure racism too with first hand experience. I don’t want whites to keep their mouths shut at all and I don’t know what bad experiences you’ve had in life with liberals and minorities but it obviously has bothered you. And I personally don’t want people divided. That would cause me to choose a side. =D
“So, as usual for a liberal, Samhita is celebrating not because a “person of color” was confirmed to the Supreme Court, but simply because it was a person of color whose views lined up with hers.”
Ummm, of course! That makes perfect sense! When someone who’s views match yours comes into a position of power doesn’t that make you happy? Just because someone looks like you doesn’t mean you should automatically be supportive, your views & theirs should align is some way.
“I just think it can mean something else. I’m not going to base an opinion off of one comment.”
No, but I’ve read her nonsense before, and Cassy is definitely right on this one. You don’t want to base an opinion on Samhita, but you have no problems whatsoever basing opinions on the rest of us, right?
Wow, talk about a tool…
“First off I crack jokes about everybody, black conservatives are one of them because I don’t know about you but meeting a black conservative as rare. I make fun of white liberals, crazy feminists (and I actually support some of feminism), I make fun of stereotypes, I make fun of everything, there’s nothing wrong with that. And I posted here because I do not agree with everything Casey posts but I do think she makes her points clear, I admire that.”
Actually, I’ve met a number of black conservatives. They’re out there if you really want to find them. They just don’t generally act as crazy as the Al Sharpton-type minorities that permeate everywhere. Let me ask you this. Have you ever cracked a joke about Obama? Because most comics these days have a pretty hard time finding anything funny about him. Pretty strange, huh?
“I think you care more about my views more than I care about yours. I said default because I refuse to put myself in a category. You don’t know me and I pretty much refuse labels.”
Whether you like it or not, everyone has labels. That’s just the way it is. And most likely that’s the way it always will be.
“I only say liberal by default because I had to choose a side it would be liberal. There’s reasons why.”
I would love to hear some of them.
“And again I crack jokes about everybody and everything that can be taboo in our society. I think you need to take a pill or something and calm down. You can’t say you don’t joke about things.”
So you crack jokes about abortion, or soldiers dying? Those are taboo issues. You might want to rephrase that comment because it sounds pretty ridiculous. Some things are taboo for a reason. Maybe I was brought up odd, but I do think that some issues are pretty serious. Perhaps when the country collapses economically when this jackass shoves through all his crap, you’ll understand why life isn’t much of a joke.
“First off I don’t feel sorry for myself. You don’t know me and I don’t walk around blaming the white man for my problems. I blame racism and the fact that you don’t know me, you wouldn’t that I’m not fully black. I’m pretty much a mulatto anyways. And I do own up to all my personal problems and move on, how are you going to act like you know me? And if you don’t hang out with blacks cool, I really don’t care who you hang with but I have white friends (considering I go to a mostly white school) and I definitely don’t guilt trip them, why would I guilt trip friends are strangers. I think you’re being more racial than I am because I never said whitey’s are all racist to begin with.”
I get the feeling that I’m talking to Shaniquequa. If so, why do you keep changing your name here? It’s dishonest. Well, I work at a university, and I hear all sorts of anti-white things being said here (because we’re to blame for everything that’s happened under the sun. That is reality.
“It seems you already guilt tripped yourself. What I meant by we both know what it’s like to be black that means we both have had the same black history, we both probably have endured the same racism and we both have came from the same historical past. Way to make it more than what I said.”
So your answer to my statement is essentially “I know you are, but what am I?” How…mature. But you really didn’t answer my comment. All you did was to try to project your guilt trip on to me. My hands are clean.
“I just love how you keep lumping all minorities in one category like you know how every minority thinks. And why wouldn’t some minorities make an issue out of it? The racism is still there. If you didn’t know people still get lynched in the south so obviously it’s still there.”
Racism, as you said, will always be around in one form or another. It’s inevitable. People lynched in the south? Could you provide proof? I recall a situation about 10 years ago when one of my college classmates, a Black-Muslim, told our class with a straight face that there are secret concentration camps in the Deep South (echoes of Farrakhan?). I didn’t believe her either. You’ll have to do better than that. About that guilt-trip thing…
“I know Samhita’s a feminist but I don’t know for sure if she’s a liberal she gets no pass with me. I just simply didn’t care too much about her comment. I’m saying Samhita could have been saying this is the first person of color in office that she’s liked personally and she’s entitled to that.”
Seriously??? You really believe that? From what I gather from the statement, I don’t think it has anything to do with like/dislike other than from a political perspective (remember, the feminists coined the phrase “the personal is political”), hence my point about Justice Thomas.
“I’m not saying Casey is wrong about her opinion I just think that one comment doesn’t prove much to me. And I didn’t come here to insult Casey or anything and if you saw it that way I apologize to you and Casey, more to Casey because I kind of think you were looking to fight someone.”
No worries, I don’t expect nor want an apology. I jumped because I’m sick of liberals coming onto conservative sites and trying to throw reasonable discussions into free-for-alls with their silly statements. I think they should stick to Daily Kos, since that’s more of their maturity level. And no, I don’t really have much patience for liberals. They had enough time to shout and scream nonsense and throw temper tantrums when Republicans were in office. Just don’t be surprised when we reciprocate (though hopefully in a more constructive manner than what I saw in the Bush Jr. years).
And to further comment on the “fight someone” comment, your side seems to be doing quite well with that the last time I checked the news, or is it typical to hire union thugs (or fanatical leftist mobs) to attack conservative citizens trying to protest health care reform (or anything else)? What I’m doing is quite tame by comparison.
“I’m busy with my life as well but that doesn’t mean I don’t see what others do. I personally don’t make a big deal out of race that much but I’m smart enough to see how people treat me for being black/white and it obviously still matters to people so excuse me for not being able to ignore it when it’s always in my face.”
Like I said before. You choose to see the problems. Maybe people are treated like that because they expect that every little thing that’s said is racist. That becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. And yes, you are guilt-tripping.
“I never said whites have to keep their mouths shut. Like I said I’m a half “whitey” as you put it and I wants whites discussed with race just as much as everyone else because I know whites endure racism too with first hand experience. I don’t want whites to keep their mouths shut at all and I don’t know what bad experiences you’ve had in life with liberals and minorities but it obviously has bothered you.”
Well, that wasn’t exactly implied with your statements. And it’s not exactly reality anyway. If you bother to look around, that’s exactly what’s going on (and encouraged at the highest levels, dare I say Obama?). Of course it bothers me. I see one side being held to be responsible for every problem in Western Civilization (well, the world really), while the other just rambles around and does whatever the hell it likes, taking no responsibility for their own actions. There are two different standards at work here, so I’ll say it bluntly. One side is expected to act almost perfectly, while the other has excuses made for them for whatever problems crop up (and yes, I do appreciate the irony of the statement since that was the reverse situation 40 years ago). You’re not elevating yourselves to a higher level, you’re dragging the rest of us down to yours. Nothing’s done for merit purposes anymore, it’s more based on what skin color one has or what gender you are. If that’s not an absurd system of promotion, I don’t know what is and its guaranteed to eventually collapse our society.
“And I personally don’t want people divided. That would cause me to choose a side.”
But we’re divided, nonetheless, no? See my comment on what’s being encouraged at the upper levels of government. And yes, you will have to choose a side eventually, though I suspect you already have.