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George Stephanopoulous is nice enough to correct him:
Obama: What I was suggesting — you, you’re absolutely right that John McCain has not, uh, talked about my Muslim faith, and you’re absolutely right that is —
Stephanopoulos: Christian faith.
Obama: — yeah, my, my Christian faith… and, what, what I’m saying is he hasn’t suggested that I’m, that I’m, that I’m, uh, a Muslim.
Very interesting indeed.
So, what to make of this? Is Obama secretly a Muslim?
Honestly, I don’t think so. I think this is just another gaffe made by a man who is not nearly as eloquent as his followers would like to believe. Much more interesting is how George Stephanopoulos was willing to jump in and save his ass for him.
Unbiased reporting, all the way.
Hat Tip: Little Green Footballs
And they say McCain’s senile. This guy’s not even 50.
Yeah, I think it’s pretty clear, given the context, that he meant “my alleged” Muslim faith, and that’s what he corrected himself to. So, for those looking for a smoking crescent moon, not there.
On the other hand, I do think it’s evidence as to why he doesn’t want to do the townhall talks and he’s not going to look nearly as good in the debates.
His natural speech when off the teleprompter is full of “uh’s” — it’s not the flowing, soaring stuff he can do when he’s reading and not answering questions to which he has no prepared answer.
I think his answers to debate questions are going to sound evasive and fuzzy. Again, “nuance” will be claimed.
The advantage McCain will have is he’s not afraid to tell you what his answer is, and while it might not sound as eloquent as Obama’s teleprompter speech, it’s going to come off way better than Obama’s “well, uh, uh, I believe that when I said what I think I was, uh, you know, saying when I said that, was, uh…” is going to sound lousy.
And I think in the one debate the Baracuda has with Biden, she’s going to eat that gasbag alive.
You Neo Cons are amazing!
Any rational person can see that he meant that McCain has not accused him of being Muslum.
Guess you have never said something that came out wrong?
Invest in Dinars while you spread this mis-information.
So, what to make of this? Is Obama secretly a Muslim?
Not anymore.
If Barack Obama is not smart enough to be able to speak coherently without a teleprompter, he not smart enough to be President.
And yet you voted in George “Nutty” Bush Jr. Mr. Bush’s IQ must’ve slipped your mind while you were at the polling station then, I assume.
Give him a break. He’s just tired from all the Hoping and Changing. And praying to Allah five times a – I mean, not that.
Bush’s 95th percentile IQ, you mean?
A classic “Freudian slip” closely equating the “57 States”(there 57 officially Muslim nations), and probably unavoidable to our poor *Messiah* who was subject to the intense indoctrination in the madrasah school in his youth. I’m sure the Muslim brainwashing is tough to shed.
A classic “Freudian slip” closely equating the “57 States”(there are 57 officially Muslim nations), and probably unavoidable to our poor *Messiah* who was subject to the intense indoctrination in the madrasah school in his youth. I’m sure the Muslim brainwashing is tough to shed.
I hardly think that Stephanopoulos correcting Obama is an example of “biased reporting”, which you seem to be implying.
I don’t think it is biased to allow someone the chance to correct himself when he obviously misspoke. NOT doing so would pave the way for the ugly kind of “gotcha” journalism that focuses far too much on gaffes and not enough on the issues. Obama, Biden McCain have all made gaffes, and I imagine Palin will too if she ever decides to talk to the media. But I wish the focus were more on issues.
Media on the left, the right, and the “mainstream” have all been guilty of this, including Stephanopoulos! You could easily have found a better example of liberal bias in the media or shoddy journalism. This was neither.
Responsible reporters are out to report the facts, not play “gotcha”. While anything a source says to a reporter is certainly fair game to be quoted, reporters can and do use discretion when they think a source may have misspoken.
For example, check out the audio clip of a reporter interviewing Republican Congressman Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), when he calls the Obamas “uppity”. The reporter, like Stephanopoulos, must have thought “Wow, is that really what he meant to say?” and then asked to confirm. She gave him the chance to get out of making the racially tinged remark, but he declined. Evidently, it was what he meant to say.
Leah Adina Hicks
DavidL, Vernuft is right – just because it’s accepted as common knowledge that something is true, doesn’t necessarily mean that it IS true, no matter how many times it’s repeated.
I actually score a little higher than Bush, but I’m damn sure that no-one would ever trust me to fly any plane, let alone a fighter jet. I even crash shopping carts (I was going to say shopping trolleys but I’m learning to speak American, now!).
When did “uppity” become racist?
Where can I go to get the daily updated list of words I can’t use when describing someone, crosstabbed with the groups I am not allowed to use them to describe an individual in each group?
It would be cool if there could be a reference section which would explain what makes it bigoted, with the full rationalization spelled out.
Inquiring minds want to know.
Sorry Cassy, but I think this just speaks to his inability to speak unprompted when tired (or maybe rested too, I dunno) It was clear to me that he meant alleged.
I guess with the million or so legitimate ideological reasons not to vote for Obama, this amounts to some weak tea, IMHO.
Well there’s one thing we should ALL agree on.
If it’s fair to bust Bush for mispronouncing nuclear, it’s fair to bust Obama for “his inability to speak unprompted when tired.”
Fair’s fair. After all, we’re tired of the partisan politicking, *right*?
No, he’s not Muslim…He’s Nation of Islam!