Obama is the first true American!

Obama is the first true American!

YES! I’m so glad I know this now! I can FINALLY stop looking up to those phony American leaders like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan and start worshipping the Obamamessiah now that I know what a great American he is! Thanks to John Ridley at PBS, we finally know the truth. Founding Fathers? Pshh! We got Obama now!

Every president to hold office has espoused some version of Americanism; the truths that we hold self-evident, even when those truths are not always in evidence. But for all their grand rhetoric and mostly good deeds, none was able to seal the deal on the trifecta of equality, plurality and socioeconomic ascendancy. Obama has. Obama is the more perfect union. He is a house united. Obama is the New Generation and the hot light of a dawn that goes way beyond clever talk of morning in America.

Quite simply, quite plainly, just by virtue his being, Obama is America. The first true American to lead our nation.

Ridley asks if there’s such thing as a heritage more American than Obama’s. I don’t know for sure about this, but I’m sure that George Washington, who was devoutly religious, probably wouldn’t find snorting cocaine and doing other drugs a really “American” thing to do, but hey, who knows. And where on Earth does this guy get that Obama “bucked the system”? He did nothing BUT ride along with the Illinois political system, which just happens to be one of the most corrupt in the union! Oh, and his “humble” upbringing? He went to PRIVATE schools! In Hawaii! And then he went to HARVARD, for cryin’ out loud. If that’s humble, then my childhood was freaking destitute.

But the most ridiculous part is how Obama is the first “true” American to ever lead us… just by virtue of his being. So just because Obama IS Obama, he automatically is the bestest American EVAH. This insults every single President in United States history, along with all of the Founding Fathers. And when Obama’s campaign included a whirlwind tour of Europe where he enthusiastically called himself a “citizen of the world”, I don’t know if I’d start running around calling him the most American leader we’ve ever had.

Hat Tip: Right Wing News

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  • Darius says:

    … and here I thought being American was more about attitude than your birth/racial background.

  • bob says:

    True American??? He has been in office two weeks and done nothing for cryin’ out loud!!! How did this clown say that with a straight face? Shouldn’t he have a notable accomplishment before being declared man of the year? Or is it truly not because of “the content of his character, but rather the color of his skin”?

  • Melinda P says:

    I can only imagine what our children’s history books will be saying about our “greatest American ever”. It’s just sad that so many people are drinking the kool-aid so deeply that they can’t see the crap that isn’t happening right before their eyes.

  • Big Al says:

    Born (as far as we know) in a state as far removed from the collective states as there is, he was raised in his most formitive years in a foreign country, Indonesia. Of mixed race he returned to the America, and on to the mainland as an admittedly confused and irresponcible individual that sought in his own mind who and what he was and would be. Taken under the wing of a self described communist he was mentored and grew into a young adult who suddenly (and unexplainedly) became the recipiant of a privileged education, and somehow through somewhat shaky circumstance and connection, became one of the wealthy privileged class, where he found himself in the favor of a benefactor that helped him succeed in his political ambitions and far more quickly obtain positon and power on that front. Now, with little in the way of record to stand upon he finds himself in the position of holding the most powerful office perhaps in the entire world. Nothing about him is in any way remotely American in the sense of everyday ordinary. He is perhaps THE most unique person to have held such office. As a person he represents no person, no race, and no class of individual. Real American? Far far from it. But, then again, the American Presidency has been filled with unique men… so nothing extraordinary there either.

  • Steve L. says:

    Big Al hit the nail on the head. There is very little in BO’s background that is uniquely American.

  • btenney says:

    Obama needs like a Kee- Advi-,no how bout a Chief of-, Oh hell wonder if Rush would be so kind as to help Him out?
    McGovern called the Nixon Administration the most corrupt sine Warren Harding. Obama is Years ahead of Nixon in the rate of his Administrations Moral decline.

  • btenney says:

    I’ve picked Cotton. Bet neither Obama or Holder has those class Bonafides

  • Mat says:

    And just look at the bright side…we get to listen to this horseshit for another four years. Bear in mind that he has done absolutely nothing yet to justify this status that he has.

  • Chris M-G says:

    And if we disagree? We’re Racist.

  • Cylar says:

    What the hell is the “most American leader” we’ve ever had, anyway? What does that even mean? It sounds to me like more of the same slobbering adulation that the media has been dishing out for months. Nothing more.

    Ironically, we get asinine praises like this, being bestowed on the man who is determined to get rid of everything associated with American history, culture, or politics – free speech on the radio, gun rights, a resistance to socialism, and a general distrust of government as an institution.

    These people have no need of a Higher Being…they have already pinned their hopes, dreams, and aspirations on a manmade god called Government. Obama is simply a figurehead atop the idol. That, my friends, is what this has been about all along.

    I knew that once Bush was gone, the Left would go back to singing the praises of socialism and supporting socialist candidates and policies, just as they did during the Clinton years.

  • SicSemperTyrannus says:

    Historical precedence indicates that Messiahs end up getting crucified.

  • MScott says:

    +1 Cylar – great comment, right on! Since Obama is the first “true” American president, I guess this means America’s new birthday has moved from July 4, 1776 to January 20, 2009. This was just another PR for Obama commercial done in payment for the $$$$$$$ promised in the “stimulus” package for PBS.

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