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Obama finally gets around to acknowledging the William Long murder, but his statement is underwhelming
Mere hours after Dr. George Tiller, late-term abortionist, was murdered our President was ready to respond with a strong statement, condemning the murder:
I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence.
Do you think Private William Long got the same treatment?
Well, let’s see. Private William Long was shot and killed outside of his recruitment center in Arkansas, and Private Quinton Ezeagwula was injured. This incident took place around 10:30am on June 1st. While it took Obama only hours to release his strongly worded statement about the George Tiller murder, it’s taken him three days to even acknowledge the attack on these two soldiers — an attack by a murderer who has admitted he would have killed more soldiers if he could have. And Obama’s actual statement? Underwhelming at best.
I am deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence against two brave young soldiers who were doing their part to strengthen our armed forces and keep our country safe. I would like to wish Quinton Ezeagwula a speedy recovery, and to offer my condolences and prayers to William Long’s family as they mourn the loss of their son.
That’s it. He’s “saddened” over this “senseless” murder. Not shocked. Not outraged. And certainly not condemning the violence from a crazed, military-hating Jihadist. Nope, he’s just “saddened”.
Oh, and the “senseless” murder? As Michelle points out, it’s only senseless if you don’t accept that the murderer is an anti-US, anti-Army, jihadi-trained Muslim convert who wanted to kill as many people in the Army as he could. But surely, considering his big Cairo speech in which he panders to Muslims, Obama wouldn’t want to say anything referencing that little fact, would he?
Also, Obama has yet to even post this statement on his website. His statement on George Tiller was up within hours.
It took Obama mere hours and no pressure whatsoever to issue a strongly-worded statement expressing shock and outrage of George Tiller’s murder, as well as condemn such political violence. He also eagerly posted it to his website. Yet it took him three days and pressure from the media to finally issue a statement of any kind on Private William Long’s murder, and when he finally did, it was a weak, tepid statement.
Murdering a late-term abortionist sparks outrage and shock in Obama, but murdering one of the men who volunteered to protect and defend us apparently just doesn’t quite evoke the same emotions for him.
As Caleb Howe noted,
Obama’s statement on the murder of Pvt. William A. Long is just as passive in voice and blame. He’s not outraged, he’s saddened. Not by someone who committed a “heinous act” but rather by a senseless violence. It might have been a bolt of lightning for all the pushback Obama has to share.
He waits three days and then the best he can muster is an abstract sadness at something that, judging by his statement, might well have been a mere accident of fate.
Right now, I gotta say that I am truly disgusted by this man.
Still waiting for the cries from concerned liberals that we mustn’t stereotype all Christians for the actions of a minority, that most Christians are peaceful people that would never do anything like that, and they have a wonderful religions steeped in history that we should all try to better appreciate.
You know, the same treatment muslims got after 911.
But for some reason 1 fanatic murdering 1 person out of a population of 2.1 billion christians is a terrifying trend. But 19 fanatics murdering 3000 out of a population of 1.5 billion can be written off as irrelevant. That’s ignoring the levels of condemnation/support they receive (alot more muslims came out in favor of 911 than christians supported the tiller murder, and far fewer came out against it).
Wow, it almost seems like there’s a double standard at work here.
Wondered if anyone might have an address where one might send a sympathy card. We are proud parents of a career Marine and I am retired from the US Navy.
Thank you – Joe & Debbie Taylor
Cards and notes of condolence can be sent to
The Family of Pvt. William Long
134 Roden Mill Rd
Conway AR 72032