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OK, OK… I think I’ve been pretty good in my blogging career about not begging for money or gifts or anything. I’ve had an Amazon wish list on my blog but I never beg for gifts (except on my birthday, of course!) and I’ve hesitated a lot about getting a PayPal donation button. But, I finally decided to just go ahead and do it. And now, it’s there. Don’t worry, I’m not going to be reminding you guys to throw some change in the tip jar every week or anything, but I would really, really appreciate your help in keeping this totally amazing blog going. (Yes, that was tongue-in-cheek.)
So, I just wanted to throw up a quick post so you’d all know it is there and meekly ask you to maybe help out now and again if you’d like to. I would appreciate it more than you know. And in these tough times, it would mean even more because I know no one has a lot of money to be throwing around. And now that I’ve pointed it out, I won’t mention it again, except on special occasions… like my birthday.
This donation on 04/29/09 neither endorses ALL opinions expressed at this site, nor solicits ANY exceptional courtesies not already extended to ANY respectable participants.
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