NBC reporter to Obama: Stay out of that redneck country!

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NBC reporter to Obama: Stay out of that redneck country!

MSNBC reporter Andrea Mitchell explains how the most logical move for the Obamamessiah is to just give up on rural places like southern Virginia, because they’re all a bunch of hicks who won’t like him anyways, unlike high-tech northern Virginia. It’s that gosh-darned Republican racism in those backwoods wastelands striking again… at least as far as the elitists in New York, Washington, and California are concerned.

Here’s the video:

Way to go, Andrea. Way to go.

Of course, she was quickly forced to apologize. Here’s the video of her completely insincere apology, with a telling little nugget in there:

Money quote:

… used a term strategists often use to demean an entire community.

Gaffes are great things. It’s when people mistakenly admit the truth that they do the worst damage. And apparently, this is the kind of thing strategists say all the time to describe entire communities.

What’s really annoying is not so much what she said, but the fact that she said it so quickly and easily without even blinking an eye. This is something that she’s used to saying, something she didn’t think twice about. There was no thought process in her head that this was something bad to say.

Also, note the “I was trying to explain based on reporting from Democratic strategists… !” See, she was just trying to explain something to us little people who were just too stupid to understand what she meant. I mean, come on, she couldn’t help it. Strategists use the term all the time, it just slipped, and we were too dumb and ignoramus to understand it. Gosh!

Dontcha just love the elites and their worldview of rural middle America?

Hat Tip: Moonbattery

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  • Sean says:

    Sweet smarmy Andrea. Is there anything she don’t know? As a gosh-darned backwoods white racist, I fear she has spoken, and lo, the truthiness of it does hurt to the bones. But, ya know how we is, and I ain’t changin’ fer Osama, Obama, or nobody, nohow. But maybe, if they was to pay me a personal visit, alone, way out here in these deep,dark woods, we could come up with sumpthin. N’have a sip or two.

  • Gator says:

    And she thinks she only offended folks in Virginia?

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    There’s something witty about Cassy, rednecks, crackers, guns, Bibles and bitterness to be said, but it is eluding me. I’m blaming my inability to come up with the right iteration of words on Sean’s sip or three.

    Obviously, I need to be more audacious with my hope for change.

  • newshutz says:

    You might be a redneck if …

    You don’t support Obama

  • CaptDMO says:

    Elite 1. The best or most skilled members of a given social group.

    Sarcasm aside, try not to associate the term with unqualified folk that simply claim the accolade for themselves.

  • CaptDMO says:

    Elite 1. The best or most skilled members of a given social group.

    Sarcasm aside, try not to associate the term with unqualified folk that simply assume the accolade for themselves.

  • Toa says:

    These remarks are meant by the speakers to be heard by their targeted group(s), as well as by their like-minded audiences. Like the creep a few months ago who loudly, publicly warned any of his colleagues who might be considering attending a NASCAR rally to be vaccinated against various diseases before going to one. This came not from any sincere concern for his fellow “Liberal”s well-being, but from a burning desire to let those Red State vermin know just what he and the other Enlightened Ubermensch thought of them. They are getting more honest all the time.

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