Man killed peeing on live train track

Man killed peeing on live train track

Apparently, it’s Darwin Awards time. A Polish tourist visiting Britain tragically met his end when he died…peeing on a live train track.

A TOURIST needing the loo at a railway station was killed by having a wee — on a live track.
The victim was electrocuted after he crept into a recess to relieve himself.

It is thought his urine splashed on the line and he died instantly when a 750-volt charge leaped up at him.

Staff found his body after he was filmed on CCTV going into the nook at Vauxhall, South London, and failing to come out again.

The man, a 41-year-old married teacher from Poland, is believed to have been on a visit to Britain to improve his English.

It took police a week to identify the victim after the tragedy, which happened at around 5pm.

The station has no toilets but there are public loos in a bus terminus nearby.

A source said: “Perhaps because he was from Poland he had no idea the rail was electrified. His family back home are heartbroken.”

About 40 per cent of Britain’s 10,200 miles of train track is electrified.

Question one. In what part of Poland was this guy from that it was acceptable to take a piss in train stations and/or on train lines (live or not)?

Question two. Why would someone even consider peeing on a train track? Even if you know it isn’t live, is it really worth the risk?

This must be very sad for his family, and I feel for them. But come on. Why would you do something like that? Seriously, someone give this guy a Darwin Award.

Hat Tip: House of Eratosthenes

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  • Jon says:

    Sure hope he didn’t breed…

  • John Moore says:

    And never mind about all of the probable “Polish jokes” that this incident will create among some people.

  • Thanks for the link, Cassy.

    In all my travels, I can only remember one place in which I was absolutely flummoxed, bewildered, and you can imagine how my physical state was doing, to discover there was NOPLACE to relieve. It was on the Trenton Freeway (SR-1), New Jersey…and eventually I solved the problem by continuing another hour north, into New York. I concluded people in NJ don’t have bladders.

    Without having seen pictures, just from reading the story it seems this guy was trying to avoid a fine by selecting a place out of view of the cameras.

    Just a nerd-note: I wish these stories would discuss something about current. You can zap me with 750v all day long if you want to, as long as the current is low enough…it’ll just make a cool spark. Volts don’t kill, electrical energy kills.

  • Texas Truth says:

    What a mook! How can it be acceptable to urinate in public? OOPS..I was Europe.

  • I R A Darth Aggie says:

    Mythbusters busted this one. It’s possible if you’re pretty much standing on the track, in salt water, in a thunderstorm and get hit by lightning.

    He maybe dead, but it isn’t death by piss. Their ME needs to take a second look at this one.

  • Proof says:

    Could give “pissed off” a whole new meaning!

  • Wayne says:

    Let me see if I can help you with so answers from the MALE point of view.

    Question two. Why would someone even consider peeing on a train track?
    Answer: ’cause we can ! I was the childhood hero in my neighborhood ’cause by the age of 10 I had peed in the Atlantic, Pacific, and living 50 miles from the Gulf, the Gulf of Mexico goes without saying. Every significant river west of Pennsylvania, the Grand Canyon, Royal Gorge (from the bridge) not to mention numerous mountain peaks, bridges and treetops and electric fences in between.

    Question one. In what part of Poland was this guy from … (to pee in) train stations and/or on train lines

    Answer: There is a computer user born every minute !

  • Way back when I worked for the IRS, I went out on an audit held at an attorney’s office at 230 Park Avenue in Manhattan. The building, originally headquarters for the New York Central Railroad, was owed at the time by Harry Helmsley (and is now in the hands of the Dubai royal family).

    I wrote down the number button combination to the men’s washroom in my appointment calendar, and for years thereafter, made it a point whenever I was in the area to go there so that I could take a piss at Harry & Leona Helmsley’s expense.

    Much, much classier by far than pissing on the railroad tracks.

    After a few years they finally changed the combination, so I had to use the public restrooms in Grand Central Station.

  • J David says:

    A.K.A. “Natural selection”

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