Life issues

Life issues

Hey everyone!

Just wanted to write a quick note explaining the weird intermittent blogging going on lately. I have had a lot of life issues going on lately — good life issues, but it has gotten in the way of sitting down for a few hours and getting some decent blogging action going. As you all know, I moved to North Carolina at the end of June. I just got a job about a month ago — the job market here is just as bad as it is everywhere else, despite people saying that Jacksonville, NC is a “recession-proof” area thanks to the military presence here. Yeah, it’s not. Anyway, I had to go out of town for eight days for job training. Matt and I also spent two consecutive weekends away from home, visiting friends first in Cary, NC and then in Reading, PA. We also started the process a few weeks ago of trying to buy a home. We’re both sick of renting. So, for the past few weeks we have spent most, if not all, of our spare time house-hunting. Between working all day Monday – Friday, house-hunting immediately after work, going out of town on weekends, and then only coming home later at night, I have frankly not had the energy to get much blogging done.

I’m sure you all understand. I’m honestly doing the best I can to get as much work in here for you guys in between everything I’ve got going on in my hectic life, and so I’m hoping you’ll just bear with me for the next month or two until things settle down a little bit. Like I said, I really am doing the best I can and I will do my best to get as much blogging done here as possible.

Thanks, as always, for reading!


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