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Could Fidel Castro actually be dead? Celebrity gossip blogger Perez Hilton announced a few days ago that Fidel Castro has finally died. Now, he has several posts up proclaiming that this is, in fact, the truth: that Castro has finally moved on, and that an official announcement will be made soon:
Update: An official announcement is still expected today. We are hearing that law enforcement wants to wait until rush hour traffic is over in Miami.
The announcement of Fidel Castro’s death will be made at approximately 4:00 P.M. Eastern, has just been updated exclusively.
He also posted this little nugget of information earlier today:
Sources reveal exclusively to that U.S. officials will be holding a press conference shortly to announce the death of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
South Florida police organizations are calling in reinforcements before the announcement is made, we’re told. was the first media outlet in the world to break the news of Castro’s death. We posted THIS ITEM on it last week!!!
Who knows what to think? Rumors of Castro’s death have persisted for years, and while his health has been failing, other news sources have been reporting that there is nothing new coming from Havana. However, all sources agree that Miami is absolutely ablaze with this “development”. One South Florida news station wrote:
While Local 10 doesn’t usually report on rumors, the magnitude of how far reaching this was couldn’t be ignored.
What may start as a whisper, quickly grows into a chorus of thousands.
The rumors have circulated for years. Usually every couple of months they’d start, but in the past week, the rumors have been in overdrive.
Could it be true?
We’ll have to wait and see if this “official announcement” will come.
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