Happy Birthday Army, and Happy Flag Day, too!

Happy Birthday Army, and Happy Flag Day, too!

It’s the Army’s 233rd birthday. Blackfive brings us the birthday message from Kenneth Preston, the Sergeant Major of the Army:

Here’s a nice tribute video that made me tear up a little throughout:

To those currently serving, or who have served: thank you. Let’s all remember today the patriots who, starting 233 years ago, loved this country enough to risk sacrificing everything, and some did. Their bravery and seflessness is unparalleled. Happy Birthday to the Army. There is no gift we can give you that can compare to the gift that you secure for us: our freedom. Know, however, that the American people stand behind you united.

Today is also Flag Day. I posted this video on my blog before, but I want to post it again as it seems fitting.

Make sure to fly Old Glory proudly today (if you don’t every day). My flag is flying happily… in my living room. My apartment complex does not allow flags to be displayed on the balcony, not even the American flag. Why? Someone might get offended. I would love to move out in protest, but you know, there’s a lease and all. Anyways, those of you who have the privilege of owning your living space, make sure to fly a flag today. Remember all that Old Glory stands for.

Happy Birthday Army, and Happy Flag Day!

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  • steve says:


    It is good to know I can add another person out there who shares my strong patriotic sense of duty.

    While my service was the Navy I can heartily say


    By the way Jacksonville has a large Naval presence. It is always good to be reminded that there are still people who are willing to perform the ultimate sacarifice (sp?) for a good greater than themselves or their modern tribal affiliation.

    This is a good time to re-read Robert A Heinlein’s address to the Naval Academy.

    This is also a good time to remember that the US was the first country to make alegience to a principal rather than a person. Our flag has no politics or partisanship, it stands for the collective unifyng spirit and ideals of our country. This is why I think flag burning is petty and cruel and not against an idea or ideology but anti American in its very essence.

    I will have to say I love my flag and it frequently chokes me up if I spend too much time comtemplating its proudly waving form.

    Enjoy flag day.


  • CaptDMO says:

    5’x8′ on the 38′ flag pole. Every day.
    ‘Course, the wind gets to it so Saturday was the annual trip to the
    American Legion Post. Apparently there’s a big motorcycle gathering
    so the Flag Day Retirement ceremony is postponed ’til Monday.
    Fair enough.
    I handed three of them to the Commander of the post.
    (Seargent At Arms was busy at the BBQ grill, feeding all the visiting scooter trash.)

  • Army of Dad says:

    Hot Rod (our 9 YO) ran outside to put our flag out when I told him it was Flag Day. He also remembered to take it that night.

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