“Gynosexual” Is A Thing Now?

“Gynosexual” Is A Thing Now?

“Gynosexual” Is A Thing Now?

According to Fox News, Men’s Health magazine has decided to go full Woke Idiot with regards to the ‘identifying language’ of men and women, referring to individuals ‘attracted to femme-presenting’ others as ‘gynosexual’.

As an actual woman, I’m familiar with the descriptive “gyno”. For those who are unclear when it comes to that term, I’ll offer a bit of assistance:

in American English
(ˈgaɪnoʊ; ˈdʒɪnoʊ)
1. woman or female
2. female reproductive organ, ovary, pistil

Imagine that, defining a ‘woman’ as an individual with ovaries and female in the same breath as people who “identified” as female. Awkward.

Having had four children, and losing sight, respiration, hepatic function, and nearly a child, I can assure any delusional freak of nature “identifying” as female that being a REAL female is nothing with which they’ll ever be able to empathize.

Do I need to “identify” as delusional to understand men who say they’ve experienced period pain? Mentally defective to feel the pain of men who call themselves “gynosexual”?

How about I just go ahead and identify as “batshit crazy” in order to empathize with and join those who think they can be and are the opposite sex of what they’re born as?

We live in an era where the Alphabet Mafia continue to add to their word soup in the name of inclusivity. It is the literal “trophy for everyone” mentality that pervaded my children’s childhood twenty years ago.

Do they even know what happens when everyone is considered special? NOBODY is special.

Are you a girl who likes to play with cars, go to air shows, collect replica SR-71 jets because they’re the baddest damn birds that ever existed? How about roll about in mud puddles, fish all day, and chew Big League Chew gum in order to emulate your Copenhagen-dipping father? Congratulations….you’re still a girl.

Are you a boy who likes that disgusting color, pink? Sewing and making clothes? Cutting and styling Barbie hair (without decapitating her), or baking and cooking when the other boys are in the sandlot? Congratulations…..you’re still NOT a girl.

Of both of these cases, only one can accurately use the term “gyno” to define accurately any part of their being, and if you are attracted to that person who possesses the ability to utilize the adjective ‘gyno’ and you have the ability to as well, you are a lesbian. If you can not describe yourself using that term and you are attracted to the person who cab, you are a heterosexual man attracted to a woman.

The “gynosexual” ridiculousness is just extraneous verbage created to make those individuals with low self-esteem or a touch of narcissism (possibly both) feel better about themselves. Either way, it’s unneccesary, inaccurate, and drowning in delusions of grandeur.

The fact that I even need to explain these things tells me that my next rant should be about our educational system and its failings.

Featured image by Freepik, cropped, free license through Freepik

Written by

Obsessively grammatically correct and unapologetically politically incorrect Mom, friend, mad scientist, Papist, and bibliophilic conservative hippie with an internet connection.

  • Joe R. says:

    There’s only two genders.

    You can confirm this by getting gender-affirming sugery, as you only have two choices.

    • GWB says:

      I know there are doctors who will provide … other options. But they are very underground. Transhumanism is a thing. (I don’t know if they will make you a “both” as far as semi-normal human sexuality.)

    • ROS says:

      Truth. You can’t tell the woke jokes that, though.

  • GWB says:

    Men’s Health has been woke for quite some time. Despite it’s title.

  • Joe R. says:

    Gender is how you appear to me. It’s how I address you. You gotta fool me more than yourself (and that’s not likely because the hands always give you away).

  • Cameron says:

    Personally, I like the term “Super Straight” and to hell with Al Gayeda going after the kid’s mother when he posted that idea.

    collect replica SR-71 jets because they’re the baddest damn birds that ever existed?

    More of an F-15 kid but I’ll allow what you said to pass. -:-)

    • ROS says:

      I had F-18, F-14,and F-16 posters on my walls with my penguin as a teen, and an SR-71 photo framed on my dresser as a teen. I also have a Blackbird keychain and pencil sharpener that have survived three decades of my misuse. I’ll pretty much die a Blackbird chick.

  • Ming O'Mongo says:

    Just as hammering *cis- onto gender to make *trans- sound equal, usual, and scientific, jamming *gyno- onto sexual is a linguistic shimmy. The clinical term *homosexual was once clinical, but had to become *gay. The term *liberal was used to defuse *progressive, when that term took heat. The purpose here is to obfuscate to all and confuse the young. Next up: *androsexual for attraction to those with external genitalia, and those who want to lose them. Faugh!

  • Scott says:

    Can we please just go back to calling all of this delusional bullshit what it is… mental illness…?? (of course those wanting to involve children goes beyond mental illness, and the only cure is a solid dose of pedocillin (caliber of your choice)

  • Joe R. says:



    After Adam did so, Adam had decided that NONE of the animals were a “suitable helper” for him. “So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
    The man said,
    “This is now bone of my bones
    and flesh of my flesh;
    she shall be called ‘woman,’
    for she was taken out of man.”
    That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.
    Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.” – Genesis 2


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