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No, it’s not a joke. Be warned — graphic material below. From CNS News:
Parents in Deerfield, Ill., are upset that a local high school is using books in advanced English classes this spring that they say are laced with graphic sexual content, pervasive expletives and mockery of religion.
Worse, the books – “Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes (Parts 1 & 2)” – are required reading for advanced placement English students at Deerfield High School, but a parents’ group wants them removed.
“Who would have ever thought that we would be handing out pornography in public schools?” asked Lora Sue Hauser, executive director of North Shore Student Advocacy, and a Deerfield parent.
“The fact that this was required is even more astonishing,” she told Cybercast News Service.
Hauser cites numerous examples of offensive passages from the text, including the following:
Man: What do you want?
Louis: I want you to f*** me, hurt me, make me bleed.
Man: I want to.
Louis: Yeah?
Man: I want to hurt you.
Louis: F*** me.
Man: Yeah.
Louis: Hard?
Man: Yeah. You been a bad boy?(They begin to f***.)
(Louis slips his hand down the front of Joe’s pants. They embrace more tightly. Louis pulls his hand out, smells and tastes his fingers, and then holds them for Joe to smell … they kiss again.)
Man: I think it broke. The rubber. You want me to keep going? (Little pause) Pull out? Should I —
Louis: Keep going. Infect me. I don’t care. I don’t care.
After parents fought with the school for six weeks — six weeks — the pornographic play was moved from the required reading list to the optional reading list. And they can’t legally be prosecuted as obscenity, because apparently this pornographic play has “educational value”.
But this Deerfield, IL school undoubtedly won’t give up. It isn’t their first brush with homosexual indoctrination. The district made 14-year-olds attend a seminar on homosexuality, and were told to sign a confidentiality agreement promising to not tell their parents about it.
Angels in America won two Tony awards and was nominated for an Emmy. The author, Tony Kushner, won the Pulitzer Prize (right up there with Ted Rall!).
Are you afraid to send your kids to public school yet? On top of the crappy education that leaves us behind virtually all of western civilization, our children are constantly getting force-fed depravity. I don’t have kids yet, but I can tell you that they won’t be going to public schools — no, thank you!
Hat Tips: Michelle Malkin and Moonbattery
I understand trying to get much needed facts about safe sex across, but this is totally not the way. I am a straight individual and have a 2yo son, have no problem wìth the gay community but I’ll damned if my reads anything such as that “In School” especially. Way to graphic. There are many other methods of get positive messages through to a young child and or teenager. That sounded like a graghic adult novel. Really! It reminds me of how my wife and I were talking about in San Diego where we live how they have an annual “Pride Parade” which I don’t have a problem with. But I’ve noticed over the years that it has been changing. It’s not so much about equality, respect, and unity. Now it’s more being half dressed with s&m outfits and all sorts of sexual antics. Kinda sucks, because it used to be fun when I was a child. Getting my face painted eating great bbq meeting nice people. Times are achangin’. I personaly believe our society is becoming more and more careless. People should have more considertion for other’s situations, feelings, ways of life, and life styles. And if this was enforced by us as a people, there would’nt be as much conflict or crazy reading material in “Schools” today. Seriously…