Friday Fiction: 200 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 200 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 200 Word Challenge

A quote: “There is no such thing as accident; it is fate misnamed.” ~~ Napoleon Bonaparte

I’ll start with a story …


I can’t resist an antique store. It’s all old stuff, odd stuff, what-is-this-thing stuff years old. I fell in love with haunting the aisles as a kid with mom.

Now I take my own daughter with me and I’m happy to see a little glee in her eyes when she finds a treasure she wants. I also insist ,if she runs short of space, she must give away something else for the new thing.

Our home is not a school for hoarders.

Weeks ago she spotted a camera. Intact SLR with a flawless lens. No film but she loves looking through it and hearing the shish-clack of the shutter. Later I went into her room ready to pick up her trade. She smiled saying she already gave it away. The following week, same thing. She finds something new, brings it home, and she’s already taken care of her trade before I walk in.

Today I come for the trade and I step through the door as she points her camera at the dollhouse on her shelf. Shish-clack … the dollhouse is gone. She turns at my gasp, eyes wide, bringing up the camera.

I put out my hand “No, pl….


Now, it’s your turn.
. featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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