Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

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Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “Accept the terrible responsibility of life with eyes wide open.” ~~ Jordan Peterson

I’ll start with a story …

Taking the kids out of school caught the wrong attention. So we told them to play dumb and gave them real things to learn at home.

We gathered – families, friends, land. And knowledge that was at risk of disappearing. Books and the ways of doing things for ourselves. Helping each other because we wanted to. I remember when we got the animals. Horses, cows, chickens … my youngest son looked over at where the barn was being built, then up at me.

“It’s really an ark. Right, daddy?”

Maybe “flood” was a metaphor and that time had come again. Pray.


Now, it’s your turn.
. featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

Written by

  • Cameron says:

    My son’s eyes were wide. “So this is ours, dad?”
    “Yep. Right up to the treeline. You make sure you respect that boundary when you start working out there with me. That belongs to Mr. O’Neil.”
    “I promise. And we are gonna grow things now?”
    “That’s right. And with luck, we’ll have a decent amount of wheat next year.”
    “What about those people from the government who came over?”
    I tousled his hair and waved off the question. He did not need to know what we used for fertilizer. Or that Mr. O’Neil is getting some wheat for his help.

  • Navig8r says:

    “Wow, Grandpa. You and your Pop on the farm. That must bring back some wonderful memories.”

    “Some of the last few until a long time after that. Notice the cool weather clothes. The harvest was ready in July as usual. But the Starbucks intellectuals decided it was time to go Bolshevik and spike a bunch of oil refineries to save the planet. It was a miracle that the weather held out til October when we finally got a ration of fuel to bring in the crop. Most farmers weren’t that fortunate, so grocery shelves got bare. Then the unpleasantness started.”

    • Cameron says:

      I hope that the “unpleasantness” in question was directed at the Starbucks intellectuals. -:-)

      Good bit of reading though.

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