Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat.” ~~ Robert A. Heinlein

I’ll start with a story …


Dad was startled, “Whoa! You weren’t recorded on …” Mom tossed him a look,“You’re not helping, Bob.”

I thought about Tiffany the Terror and tried hard – very hard — not to smirk. But mom looked at me, eyes narrowing.

“Macayla! We’ve have rules in this house. Rules explained to you since you were four.”

She snapped her fingers, “Pumpkin.” Our ginger tom appeared yawning “Oh please. You really expect me to spend my days at a junior high school?”

“She’s on restriction and, yes, you will find a way.”

Pumpkin looked up at me, clearly annoyed. “Guard your shoes, missy.”


Now, it’s your turn.
.featured image, cropped, Adobe stock standard license.

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  • Cameron says:

    It is unaware of my presence. Good. I creep stealthily and stay within the creature’s blind spot. My breathing slows and I prepare myself. There. The perfect moment has arrived.

    I lunge forward and clear the space between us in one bound. An instant later, my teeth have fastened on and my claws have dug into the soft vulnerable flesh. One of my kicks sends it flying and I pursue.

    The man looked up from his homework at his cat’s antics. He’d bought the large catnip mouse a few years back and Tiger never grew tired of playing with it.

  • Leigh Kimmel says:

    To look at her, she wasn’t that much. Just a little orange tabby cat with green eyes and a white muzzle. Yet she ruled our house with an iron fist in a velvet paw.

    She staked out her territory, including the right to sit on the back of the sofa and watch the entire living room. Several of my friends discovered that the hard way when they visited, and discovered the power of her displeasure.

    And she was very definite about meals. Canned food, or anything homemade, must be offered on a wide, shallow dish more like a sauce — and don’t even try to give her dry kibble. That would be sent flying across the room with a swipe of one golden paw.

    She’s been gone to Rainbow Bridge now for more than a decade — but the house still seems terribly empty when I go back home to visit my parents, now elderly and talking about how much longer they can keep rattling around this big old house so full of memories of days gone by.

  • Dupin says:

    She stalks the night, looking for any movement, sensitive to any scent. The smell of lavender is strong here, masking the earlier citrus smells. She’d heard something guttural earlier, once and again, then a heavy shifting movement, then nothing.

    She catches a slight movement up and to her right in the streaming moonlight. A second twitch, and she sees it, white and rounded, lit brightly in the dimness.

    She nears, crouching. A third twitch and she sprang, fangs bared, claws extended.

    A shriek reverberates throughout the room, and she sails, colliding with the wall.

    “That’s my toe, you stupid cat!”

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