Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

A quote: “If you can’t change your fate, change your attitude.” ~~ Charles Revson

I’ll start with a story …


He dumped her and left before the waiter had even gotten to their table.

When a waiter showed, he set down a delicate glass she didn’t order. She stared at it, watching beads of condensation form, merge and move.

The waiter returned, apologetic, “Sorry miss, I delivered this to the wrong table” but she could keep it, courtesy of the house …

She looked around, spotting a man and realized it was his order that had been miffed. Was this the sign of a cute meet? Destiny stepping in?

She stood. Not today, she thought as she left. Not today.


Now, it’s your turn
. featured image, cropped, Adobe Stock standard license

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  • Leigh Kimmel says:

    In theory this mission was simple: infiltrate and observe, then return to base and report. Yet in practice it proved far more complex.

    Like this glass of wine in front of her. Having grown up on a winery, Lisa Fox was intimately familiar with wine in all its myriad forms — but her cover identity was barely cognizant of the significance of red vs white and appropriate parings with various dishes. Which meant that it had the potential to unmask her — even the failure to show surprise could compromise her.

    It didn’t help to feel as if everyone’s eyes were upon her. All she could do was try to be as nonchalant as possible while drinking it, as if she were sufficiently familiar with wine that it wasn’t a special treat, but she wasn’t an expert either.

  • Charlene Fisher says:

    I posted on your Friday 100 Word Challenge and I guess it never appeared! Why ??
    I would at lease ask that you email me a copy of my Blog.

    • Darleen Click says:

      Hi Charlene, I don’t know what to tell you. There’s nothing in moderation from you. I even looked at some old posts to see if you accidently commented on the wrong date. Nothing from you in our trash and spam buckets.


  • Cameron says:

    “You treating me to drinks is a special occasion,” he said.
    I shrugged in reply. “I have my reasons.” After the first sip, I handed him the envelope.
    “What’s this?”
    “Your money. You thought my family would be in debt forever to yours by selling us that land.. I knew what to look for once I was there. That check doesn’t even dent what I earned in the last month.
    “I’m keeping things civil but you’ll stay away from my family. You don’t want to know how little money it takes to have your family killed in an untraceable way.”

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